#7 fucked up

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Pinzhi pov:

Well, this girl's name I still don't know, she's taking me to our college cafeteria for breakfast, though I'm still pissed at her because she touched my dairy without my permission, but when she started walking while holding my hand, I don't know how but I forgot about my anger. As we both entered the cafeteria everyone turned their face towards us and I pulled my hand back from this girl because I don't want any rumors in my college life right now, this girl smile turned into a frown when I took my hand out of hers, but when she looked around. Hopefully, she too might have understood my reason.

My room partner gave everyone a death glare and we both went to the food counter to order our breakfast, we both checked the food menu for today and their was Khao tom (rice with egg we can also call it as porridge), Moo ping (Grilled Pork), Thai omelet ,Patongo (Thai donut/fried dough), Mama noodles, Soy milk, coffee, bubble milk tea...I really don't know what should I buy I don't know which one will taste better for my tongue, I was a bit confused about Thai food. If you ask me, I really don't know which one would be good? I know everything is good here and universities will probably serve healthy and delicious food right.. But what if I don't like the taste (A/n: no hate for thai food) the only thing I know about coffee, bubble milk tea and soy milk, because they are the same in my country too but what about other things. While I was thinking about my order, my roommate was next to me with her food tray in her hands. She was waiting for me so without thinking twice I put my pointer finger on mama noodles and immediately my roommate asked in me english, "it tastes a bit sour will you be able to eat it?" Then I declined because I'm not really a big fan of sour things, I was so confused that my roommate spoke again, "wait let me order for you." Then I only saw her what she is choosing for me actually she ordered thai omelette and a piece of Patongo I know Thai omelet must be made from eggs and not a big fan of eggs but what the hell is patongo, it looks like fried bread or something I really don't know. As I was in my world she turned and asked what do you want to drink and I pointed to soya milk and she nodded and ordered that too. Actually we don't need to pay for food here as they have already added food money with our college fees. Moreover, it doesn't matter whether you are eating in college cafeteria or somewhere else but paying for cafeteria is compulsory, I picked up my tray and made my way to an empty table which had 4 chairs, I took a seat and my roommate took a seat next to me at the same table. In fact, I didn't stop her to sit beside me because she was a big help today. She was having her breakfast which looked no less than porridge and coffee.I made a scrunched face at the combination who drinks coffee with porridge but turned my face immediately towards my food because it's not my place to judge her, I took a bite from my omelette and as soon as the food touched my taste buds,I moaned lightly and I'm sure she heard me because she smiled as soon as I made that sound, I'm not a big fan of eggs but this tasted really good

Third person...

Do you see that new girl having breakfast with Miso and Miso is smiling like an idiot, don't you think it's weird cause she's smiling in front of someone instead of bullying? Yeah, she must be someone important because didn't you see that girl really ignored her yesterday and walked away and Miso will not spare anyone who ignores or rejects her, I think Miso is in love with her because she is gay.

Oh yeah, looks like Miso got a crush...But don't you think you should take advantage of it and ruin it, she always bullies you well she didn't do that today she might forget it because of that girl but don't you think you should take revenge Anna?

No, I don't want to fight with Miso, she'll kill me if I lay a finger on her... Anna replied

Yah anna, I am not telling you to touch Miso but instead of Miso why don't you give that girl a hard time? Anna friend said

No no leave it, I don't even know her and if I touch her Miso will definitely kill me..Anna replied quickly

But her friend said again, don't worry Don't worry we'll give her a hard time when she's alone, which will give miso pain directly.

Well then let's follow her all day, I think we'll definitely get a chance to take revenge then... Anna Another friend said..

While Anna stayed silent

Third person end*

Very soon Miso and Pinzhi got up from their tables, dropped their trays into the plate compartment and walked out of the canteen,luckily, Miso and Pinzhi took the same course, so they stayed together for the whole day after their class ended, Miso asked Pinzhi if she wanted to walk together to their room and Pinzhi nodded her head in agreement (In fact you all must have felt how comfortable Pinzhi is with Miso, actually since they helped each other this morning, Pinzhi has become comfortable with miso) While they both were walking Pinzhi saw the university library and stopped, Miso stopped as well and asked what happened, then she pointed her finger to the library and Miso immediately understood that she wanted to borrow something to read and asked if she should come inside with her for some help but Pinzhi refuses and pushes Miso away lightly while making a action like you go I will be back soon.


Soon Pinzhi came out of the library with a book in her hand and started walking towards her dorm which is only 30 steps away in another building. She was about to exit the main building, but stopped when heard a voice from distance which was coming from a room from her left, what looked like a storeroom. The door was open so without thinking twice she started walking towards the store room, thinking what if someone gets hurt she could help. Initially, she peeped from outside but it was completely dark so she hesitated and went inside, not finding anyone inside, she sensed something was wrong and turned to leave but suddenly the door of the storeroom closed but she was sure that she saw someone's shadow but not their face..

(Pinzhi pov will continue in the next chapter)

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Hello guys welcome to everyone who is planning to read this story,it's my first girlxgirl so i hope everyone will support me

Info: this is my imaginary story...

Proof reader:ace_bibliolater

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