#5 bisexual

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Pinzhi pov:

As I ran out of the dorm, I didn't pay much attention to the purple mark on my neck that I just got from my roommate... Yes, I was mad at her, but was literally late for my class so I ignored everything and ran and thank God our professor entered just as I took my seat...

I was mad at her but it made me think about her when she didn't attend that class...And not only one she skipped every class after lunch , I felt like she does this every day...Fuck, I am stuck with a noob but now I can't do anything because she is my roommate and also my classmate.....

As my last class bell rang which meant its time to leave, a fractured sigh left my mouth because it was time to go back and face her again...

I made my way to my dorm thinking to pretend like she's not there. I'll freshen up and go out for my dinner then I'll be back late when she's already asleep great plan pin great idea...

When I was a few doors away from mine I saw that the door of my room is fully open and I tensed up thinking someone broke in?

Wait no no no it can't happen because our girls' dorm guard is always at our entrance... Fuck then why did she leave it open... I walked a little closer and heard....

Dad, please leave I don't want you here please please please leave...

Yaah you bitch I am here not for you so shut your fuckking bisexual mouth got it....

Bitch, a fucking bisexual,a useless daughter, you ruined my name as you turned out to be bisexual. Her dad said many such things

Wait, she is a bisexual? So do I still have chance with her...then I shake my head..WTF Am I thinking??...

He said, "You know what? You just ruined my mood I will just leave"...

His dad walked out, he didn't even notice me near the door while he passed by me....

I saw that Miso fell on the ground and tears started flowing down from her cheeks...she was literally hugging her knees while her face was hidden with her knees...

And the scene gave me a sharp pain in my chest...

I walked in slowly and stood in front of her but she didn't notice my presence so I went towards her level and hugged her tightly, she went all tense because of a sudden touch but Soon she relaxed ...I don't know why but I did it, I hugged her I really don't know why but I felt like hugging her is the only way to make her feel good and I did it...

After a few minutes she lift her head up and her eyes went wide...like she maybe suprised with my presence... Why she is so suprised, someone is hugging her in her dorm and she thought someone else will hug her??

Obviously I am her roommate so she should take the idea that no one else but it's me who's giving her a hug

Soon she changed her eyes direction towards my neck and apologised for her earlier behaviour...I gave her a smile while looking into her eyes I can see few different types of emotions in her eyes, soon someone knock on our door and we broke our eyes contact season....

Food delivery Miss miso right??

Looks like her food is already here.... So let me fresh up and go for mine in the canteen I am really hungry...I walked towards the bathroom and was about to open the door when she speak out, Hey let's have dinner together...I was hesitant so she spoke again take it as an apology...then I nodded


Omg this pizza is really something it doesn't taste like any normal one

As I was thinking how tasty it is she suddenly spoke out Did u love it?

I nod and she said yeh yeh this one is a Thailand special pizza

Soon we both Finished everything and I was about to get up but she said again...

Hey take this...

I was giving her a questioning look like what she wants to give me...and she open her drawer the same one where I kept her vibrator earlier and removed something while hiding it behind her she didn't even give me time to watch what was it that she removed from there...

I want to give u something but promise me you won't be angry on me...I don't really know what she was talking about so I just nod....she moved her hands in front from behind and what I saw just made me shocked...

Take this your dairy and please don't be mad at me I didn't mean to touch this but your suitcase was really opened and as I saw this on top I became curious sorry sorry pinzhi

Pinzhi?? wait she really read the dairy. It means she already know I can't talk fuck I am done now, what if she will spread this news over the class, no no I hope she won't..

I came back from my thoughts and took my dairy back and walked back to my bed without showing any expression I was literally shocked that she read my dairy without my permission.

Can't she give me some privacy, can't she understand that you shouldn't read others dairy...

I layed down on my bed and fell asleep while turning my face on the opposite direction from her...

Pinzhi pov end*


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Hello guys welcome to everyone who is planning to read this story,it's my first girlxgirl so i hope everyone will support me

Info: this is my imaginary story...

Proof reader:ace_bibliolater

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