#6 hot nerd

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Miso pov:

My alarm started ringing, I opened my eyes and without thinking twice I turned my face towards pinzhi's bed but unfortunately it was empty...

I said while groaning, Fuck where the hell could she go? It's fucking 5am!

I brushed my teeth and made my hairs into a messy bun, wore a track pant and a loose tshirt and exited my dorm while putting on a song on my phone with headphones on...

It's being 30 mins and I am jogging on the road near my university and saw a park which was connected to my university road plus this park also has gym equipments attached inside, I was about to enter the park but stopped when I saw a figure inside working out, omg this girl is wearing a sports bra with sweatpants and her hair is in a pony tale plus she is currently without glasses in front of me, fuck I would never have believed if you asked me I'll tell you she is the most beautiful women on earth I've ever seen and currently in front of me while sweat dripping from her forehead, I eyed her from head to toe and I felt a sudden heat on my cheeks
(A/N: pinzhi is fully opposite from this with dark circles so just imagine your beautiful face here)
As I gazed at her from head to toe, she turned slightly and I immediately ran and hid behind the wall, my heart was beating wildly like it would jump out any time soon and so I thought let's go back to the dorm cause I won't exercise today or she'll think I'm following her, But before I left I didn't forget to look one last time. You all might be thinking that I'm some kind of pervert ok just take me like that because when a hot sexy and cute creature is in front of me I can't keep my eyes off

I jogged back to my dorm and took out some fresh clothes from my wardrobe and ran to the bathroom because now this sweat is bothering me, I plan to take a cold long shower because now I am feeling hot from everywhere I don't know it's because of my morning jog or from that scene I just watched live in the park...as the cool water ran down from my sweaty body, all I could think about was her lips, her cold eyes, her forehead as the sweat dripped from it and ended on her neck, because rest her tshirt hides everything, fuck she is driving me crazy as I know she hates sociality and she is hot too so should I call her a hot nerd,oohhh jesus she is messing with my brain, I am falling hard, it's just our second day together and I'm already falling for her. Soon this cold shower started giving me chills so I wrapped a towel around my body and opened the bathroom door but I immediately closed it back as there were two pairs of cold eyes was just looking at me Oh my god she just saw me in a towel ughhh i m so so- shit...even my clothes are out, what should I do now? As I was thinking for a way  I heard a light knock on the bathroom door and there I asked whatt?? Then the reality hits me she can't speak, so I opened the door and peep a little out and there I saw that she is looking on the other side while standing like a stand with my clothes in her right hand. Oh my she is just helping me. I took my clothes from her hand and wore it. Soon, I left the bathroom and saw that she is removing here clothes from her suitcase. Maybe she is going for a shower too, she collected her clothes and was about to enter the bathroom when I sweetly said thanks for earlier. She didn't respond but I think I surely saw  a smile while she entered the bathroom,she entered in and locked the door I thought let's sit here and wait for her but I saw her phone on her bed so I got an idea and immediately picked her phone,I wasn't surprised when I saw that she didn't keep any password on her phone. In short, she don't really have anything to hide so I opened her phone log and dial my contact and save it as k.miso roomie (you all must be thinking why my name sounds like  Korean actually I am and that k refers to kim don't worry you will get a back story about my being Korean and also why I am in Thailand) and drop her phone back the place it was before...

Time skipped
She didn't took too long and came out while wearing an oversize hoodie like a tomboy and a pair of black loose jeans the way she was dressed she was totally giving a punk feeling but she was still looking sexy from my point of view.

As soon as she came out she saw me that I am still in the room and after few seconds she turned towards our mirror which was kept in our dorm and obviously she is going there so she can fix her hairs, soon she was ready and for my suprise she didn't apply any makeup so it means she has a natural beauty.

she grabbed her phone and started wearing her sneakers and I immediately asked wanna have breakfast together in the college cafeteria? She refused while turning her head left and right but her stomach told it all when it rumbled with hunger and she turned her face away because of her silly lie,without asking twice I pulled her wrist with my hand while a smile plastered on my face and for some reasons it made me more happy when she didn't pull her hands back from me.

Miso pov end*

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Hello guys welcome to everyone who is planning to read this story,it's my first girlxgirl so i hope everyone will support me

Info: this is my imaginary story...

Proof reader:ace_bibliolater

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