Chapter 14

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When Elizabeth woke up the next morning she felt uneasy in the darkness. After a while of silence, she heard light footsteps leading up to her room. She quickly looked over to the door from her bed. A dark figure of a man looms over her door frame.

Could it be him? She thought.

Her breath hitched in fear as the man came closer towards her bed. Getting somewhat of a better view she then realized it was—

"Elijah? What are you doing here?" She asked rubbing her eyes. She looked at her alarm clock. "It's 2:00 am." She states.

"Sorry it seems we got off topic last time we were together," he takes a deep breath and steps further into the room before continuing, "I believe we were supposed to negotiate how to save your sister's life," his voice was raspy like he was up all night thinking about the topic. She says nothing as she sits upright on her bed.

"I believe that the antidote I made will help your sister, just as a protection spell would." Elijah continues to explain to the tired brunette.

"Woah hold up- what do you mean an antidote?" She asks turning her body slightly to face Elijah who was sitting on the end of her bed. She rubs her eyes fiercely trying to get a better look at him.

"Yes, I had made one when Niklaus first tried to break his curse." the original says looking down at his hands while fidgeting with his daylight ring.

" the first time? He's done this before?" She asked.

"Yes many times,"  he gave a short answer as he looked back at the beautiful brunette. She's quiet for a moment before she speaks again.

"But why do we need an antidote?" She fidgets with her hands as she spoke.

"When Klaus drains her of all her blood, the antidote will help," a pause. "repair her body bringing her back from the other side," Elijah explains.

"Is that all? I mean what's all it does? There's nothing like giving her powers?" She asks a questioning look on her face.

"No," Elijah says a bit of sas in his tone.

"Awh man," Elizabeth says in a small voice, disappointed. Elijah lets out a small laugh.

"Why do you think she'll get powers?" Elijah asks a smile lingering on his lips.

"You can't tell anyone I told you, I'm serious," she says her tone suddenly stern and serious.

"You have my word." He says turning a little more towards the girl.

"Well— this is hard to explain— but when I died, well not died per say, but when I came back from the dead I had this dream that I was in a forest with three circles of fire and a man was there." Elizabeth starts to ramble as she speaks with her hands. "And there were three people dead in the circles, but when I woke up from my dream the doctors said I went into cardiac arrest— weird right? But then you came a long and saw something on my shoulder so I checked it out and turns out I have a birthmark I never knew I had?" Elizabeth stops to catch her breath. She pushed out a breath as she looked up at Elijah her eyebrows furrowed. "God it feels good to finally tell someone,"

Elijah is in shock as he stares at her.

"Well say something! Hello?" She says waving a hand in front of the originals face.

"Yes, yes I'm here." He says focusing his eyes back on her.

"You're gonna tell someone aren't you, oh god how could I be so stupid!" Elizabeth panics. Whining as she rubs her hands down her face.

"No, I'm not going to tell anyone, you have my word." He says taking her hands from her face. "Everything's gonna be fine." He reassures her. He's not really good at it.

"Pinky swear?" She asks holding out her pinky.

"Pinky swear" Elijah says holding out his pinky and linking it with hers.

"Wait we have to kiss the ends" Elizabeth says wrapping her pinky tighter around his.

He looks at her with wide eyes. "No I'm okay."

"Okay well I have to get some sleep before school, I think it's time you go" Elizabeth says with a small smile, getting up and wrapping the small blanket around her shoulders.

Elijah gets up to go before Elizabeth remembers something.

"oh!" Elizabeth exclaims, he looks back. "We're having a dinner party tonight you should come I'm sure you'll love it" she says a bright smile spread across her face. He returns the smile before speeding out the window.


"So did you tell him?" Damon asks walking towards Elizabeth with a glass of bourbon in his hand.

"Yes, now onto more serious issues," Elizabeth says setting down her mug. "Did you get my chocolate straws?" She asks.

"Yes," Damon says moving closer to the now serious girl.

"I don't see any," Elizabeth says examining his figure.

"They're in the fridge smart ass," he points out resting his arm on the kitchen island.

"Oh." She says.

"Yeah," he says in a flat tone.

"Well is there anything else I should know? I mean I am "hosting" this dinner party," she says waving her hands around dramatically. "So should i dress nice? Like whats the deal" she cuts him off before he can even speak.

"It starts at 9pm and yes," he says. Elizabeth smiles before taking another sip of her hot coco.

"Why are you drinking hot coco in this hot ass weather!?" Damon exclaims dramatically before turning to smile at his best friend.

"Why not?" she shrugs her shoulders before walking off to her room.


Sorry I left u guys hanging for a century I lowkey forgot abt this book😅

But on a more serious note I've been reading A LOT and working on my second book.

I still have many ideas for this book I'm just not as far as I want to be rn.!!

I hope u like this buffer chapter bc i have so many plans for the next few!!! (U might have to wait a thousand years 😉)

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