Chapter 13

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Elizabeth was now running back into the house yelling, "I forgot something!" as she ran up the stairs. Straight to her room.

"I need you to call him or find him or something!" Elizabeth yells out of breath to Damon who was laying on her bed. "And get off my bed with your shoes on, we talked about this!" She says walking over to her bed. Damon sits on the side of the bed next to Elizabeth.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb! He probably doesn't even have a phone he's like a million years old!"

"First that's offensive and second I can't call him"

"What do you mean 'I can't call him'!?" Elizabeth says looking over at him.

"I mean, I can't call him" Damon explains.

"Why not!? You're the one who wanted me to talk to him"

"I've never met the guy" Damon says with a shrug.

"What!? So you're telling me you want me" Elizabeth says pointing to herself "to go meet up with some stranger—that could kill me! And tell him you want to have a dinner party with him!?" She exclaims waving her hands around in distress. "And I'm assuming this is at my house right?" She says as her face scrunches up in confusion and annoyance.

"Yes," he says looking down. "Sorry" he says lowly.

"Buy me more chocolate straws and I'll forgive you" Elizabeth says crossing her arms over her chest

"Deal" Damon says looking back over towards her. "Hey what's up with your eyes?" Damon says looking into her eyes.


"Yeah, look" Damon says pulling her into the bathroom and placing her in front of the mirror.

He eyes were a bluish color with a smidge of her original chocolate brown eyes. She blinked a few times before realizing that it was happening again. A serge of energy was now coercing through her veins. Her heartbeat increasing in the slightest.

She was now panicking. She had no idea what was happening. Before she knew it she was against the wall breathing heavily with Damon in front of her, a concerned look on his face. He was screaming her name and shaking her but she couldn't hear him. Her eyes were searching his face like she couldn't look away from the absolute horror written all over it.

Her vision is blurred as she tries to focus on his voice but she still can't hear anything. He was violently shaking her now but she wouldn't budge.

Her vision went black before she was met with a pair of ocean blue eyes. They were so familiar.

"Who are you" she whispered as she looked into its eyes.

"Wake up" was all it said. A British accent seeping through. "Wake up" it repeated.

A gasp. Elizabeth was back and all she could hear was Damon whispering her name. Holding her shoulders in his hands.

"Damon?" She whispered looking up at him.

"You're okay!?" He said pulling her into a hug like he had never been hugged in his life. Like he was going to loose her.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay.." she whispered reassuring words into his chest. "I'm okay" she says again trying to convince herself more than him.

As she pulled away from him she looked around to see all three girls and her little brother standing in the door way. They all ran over to her and pulled her into a hug as they say reassuring words.

"Guys I'm okay," Elizabeth said leaving their embrace.

"Then why were you crying?" Jeremey asks.

"I was crying?" Elizabeth whispered.

"Yeah, big tears" he says wiggling his fingers down his cheeks, imitating tears. Elizabeth lets out a small laugh. Jeremy always knew how to make her laugh.

"I'm okay now," She puts on a smile showing everyone the mask she wears. Showing them she's okay. She's fine. And they all believe it.

Elizabeth look's behind everyone, at the window.

Something doesn't feel right.. she thought.
Then she saw it. Those ocean blue eyes. Staring at her.

Ik this chapter is short but hopefully u like

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Ik this chapter is short but hopefully u like

it love u guys sm for reading!!!

20.?k VIEWS OML<333 literally freaking out rn thank u guys sm!!!

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