[FLUFF & ANGST] ~ [Dance With Me: Mondo x Paralyzed!Reader]

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⚠️ Family death, swearing, smoking/drinking ⚠️

[College AU]

~ No-One's POV ~

As the dancers scurried around the stage to the tone of the music. Little (Y/N) watched in awe as the show went on. They would jump, fly, twirl... (Y/N) could barely stay in her seat throughout the rest of the show.

"Mommy! Mommy! I want to be a dancer when I get older!" The girl asked her mother as they both exited the theater.

"Being a dancer takes a lot of work sweetie. Are you sure that's what you want to do with your life?"

"Yes! Yes!" (Y/N) jumps up and down as they hop into the car. And just like that, (Y/N)'s dancing dream became a reality. By the time (Y/N) was 10, she was already winning dance competitions and was recognized by the people of her town.

"She's so talented." They would say. "(Y/N) will go far in the dancing career." They'd tell her mother. When (Y/N) turned 13, she had auditioned for a spot in the most prestigious dance schools in her town. Hope's Peak University. Not only was it a university for dancing, but it was also for business, arts and theater, as well as school to many academic topics. However... (Y/N)'s future came to a crashing end, literally. As (Y/N) and her family were driving to the other end of town where Hope's Peak Academy was located for an orientation, they had gotten into a terrible car accident, which left (Y/N) and her father severely injured whereas her mother was in a coma.

"We have a surgery that can help align (Y/N)'s spinal cord. Otherwise, she will be paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of her life. Because of her young age and good health, there is a 90% success rate."

"Do it." Her father said to the doctors as the immediately went into the surgery. Just as things were looking hopeful, (Y/N)'s life fell deeper into a ditch.

"There was an incident during the surgery..." Was the words that came out of the doctor's mouth. You were now paralyzed from the waist down, forever. And to make matters worse, while (Y/N)'s mother was still in a coma, her father was cheating on her and had eventually left (Y/N) with her mother, who died just a few weeks after the accident. (Y/N) was soon re-adopted by her aunt and uncle, who had a son, Leon Kuwata, who you consider your brother. Alongside Leon, (Y/N) was currently enrolled at Hope's Peak as a photography student, since her dancing spot was taking from her by another student who was able to walk on two legs.

. . .

~ (Y/N)'s POV ~

It was the weekend before spring break and since you had nothing better to do (and since you physically couldn't do anything) you spent the afternoon with your brother and one of his best friends, Yasuhiro, as the three of you sat on the couch playing video games. As Leon wins yet another round, Yasuhiro slams his fists down on the couch.

"Damnit Leon! That's the 6th game in the row! Are you cheating?" Yasuhiro flicks Leon in the forehead and Leon smacks him on the back of the head.

"It sucks to suck." Leon comments and Yasuhiro suddenly tackles him as they both try to get each other into a head-lock. You smile at them, but immediately frown as you use your strength to shift yourself onto your wheelchair.

"I'm gonna head to my photo room." You wheel yourself to your 'photo room' as you hear the doorbell ring. You wheel up to a easel with a painting you've been working on. It's almost completed, but you needed a few additional colors of paint since Leon 'borrowed' them. You sigh as you look down at your lap. Despite the fact that the accident was 5 years ago, you cant help but feel angry. You wish you could tackle and 'fight' Leon like all your other friends could. You wished you could run, walk, jump, kick... Dance... You go to a second easel with a blank canvas and begin painting out your frustration. More voices can be heard from the living room as you begin tearing up. Yes, your brother's friends were your friends, but you wish you had friends of your own... Ones that you could go to the mall with, sit in one's bedroom and talk about boys, but it's difficult when you can't get up stairs. As you continue painting, the conversation of the living room stops you.

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