"Nope, what's up?" Rory questioned as Lane slipped into the free seat.

"Well, I found the greatest record store in the world." She gushed "It's ten minutes from your school and I'm wondering how much you love me."

Rory rolled her eyes at Lane's pleading stare but smiled as she pulled a pen and notebook from her book bag "Address?"

Lane beamed, leaning forward "Record Breaker Incorporated, 2453 Berlin Turnpike."

"Got it." Rory chirped "Place your order now."

Lane glanced to her list "Okay, Charles Mingus— 'The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady'."

"Mm." Lorelai hummed in approval as she finished her eggs.

"Right." Rory nodded.

Lane moved onto the next "The Sonics— 'Here are the Sonics'."

Hayden perked up "Ooh. Burn me a copy.

"You got it." Lane assured with a wide smile.

"Next." Rory requested.

"MC5– 'Kick Out the Jams'. Fairport Convention— 'Leige and Lief'. BeeGees— 'Odessa'."

Rory sent her best friend a look "BeeGees, really?"

Lane shrugged "Well, Mojo says."

"So it must be true." Rory snickered but dutifully noted down the list.

"Okay, that's it." Lane sighed in relief "Now if I could just find a copy of Whistler, Chaucer, Detroit and Greenhill, I will finally be done with the sixties."

"I can get there today, tomorrow at the latest."

Lane beamed "I love it when you go back to school."

"Me too." Rory agreed before watching her mother stand and head for the counter "Hey!"

"I am getting donuts for later." She defended "As soon as I do, I will take you to school and the nice men in the white coats will pick you up."

Hayden raised a hopeful eyebrow "Can they take me now?"

"No, you I'd miss too much." Lorelai joked before leaning against the counter and smiling at Luke "Hey, donuts please. Chocolate, cinnamon and sprinkles."

Luke went to grab them when the phone rang making Lorelai groan as he answered it "Hello?... Yeah, I'm working. What do you think I'm doing? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Oh man, what did you do? Excuse me, are you serious? Just like that, huh?" Lorelai spared him a glance before making her way behind the counter, ducking under the phone cord before she grabbed their donuts "This is unbelievable! You won't ever change, will you?... Okay, fine. Do what you want, make the arrangements. Now I'm working, we'll finish this later."

Lorelai licked the icing that smeared on her finger off before raising an eyebrow at Luke as he slammed down the receiver "Is everything okay?"

Luke inhaled sharply and turned to her "Do you have a sister?"

"Um, no."

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