The Twenty-Sixth Voyage

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"Alright, I'll be done in a moment. You can sit on the bed if you'd like." He did as instructed before making himself as comfortable as he could be. "Do... you happen to know what Sinbad wants me for?" He answered with a simple no, as I continued to brush out knots and snarls. I wanted to talk to Masrur a little more, but I knew he was more on the quiet side. I couldn't blame him for this, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, so I decided to keep the peace. Once getting my hair under control, I turned to face the burly man, "Sorry to keep you waiting." Masrur was a man of little words, which I could respect. I was more than happy to keep the peace. "Do you have any family, Masrur?"

"Two wives and a child on the way." He answered, which made me gap.

"Congratulations Masrur." I praised softly, as I watched a flicker of happiness bounce around in his eyes. A man of stoic expressions, yet of emotions like anyone. "Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?" He contemplated my question for a moment, before staring down at my figure, "Oh? Sorry, I shouldn't assume. They'll be a bundle of joy either way, I'm sure." Making it to his office door, I pushed open the wood, before glancing over to Sinbad stationed at his desk. On one of the couches was Sharrkan.

"Greetings Princess~" Sharrkan grinned, waving his hand at me in recognition. "I hope you slept well!" Freezing up for a second, I realized he meant this innocently, before I opted to answer.

"I slept wonderful. Thank you for asking, Sharrkan." Moving my gaze over to the King, a glimpse of his smirk caught my attention, "Good morning, Sinbad. Was there a reason you wished to see me?"

"I just thought it would be nice to have your company." Sinbad spoke with a soft smile. Taking my leave to get my dress, Sharrkan and Sinbad were left alone. "What is it, Sharrkan? You obviously want to say something."

"I thought the Princess was only a trade partner. Why is she... coming back to Sindria? On that note, why did we go to Feanel anyway? It was so boring~ Not one singles bar." The white-haired prince cooed out, putting his hands behind his hair. Sharrkan was a man of humanly pleasure, but he merely was because of Sinbad. Walking back into the room, I positioned myself across from Sharrkan, before getting to work on the dress again. "Princess?" Humming in assertion, he continued, "I wanted to thank you personally for allowing us to see Feanel." His words threw me off a little before I stared up at him in confusion. My first visit to Sindria was not stationed too much around Sharrkan. In fact, he was probably the General I saw the least. The brief argument he had with Yamraiha came to mind, as I smiled at the humorous memory.

"The pleasure was mine, Sharrkan." I smiled, continuing to move the needle along. "What did you enjoy the most in Feanel? If I may ask."

"The women~" He cooed out, making me stare up from my work. 'Did he really say that?!' I thought, before keeping my composure. Yamraiha and himself fight all the time, and with two words, I could see why. "The wine was pretty good too! It was aged perfectly~" Alcohol and women... he reminded me of someone... Oh, right, Sinbad. "In all seriousness, your kingdom's medicinal herbs also caught my eye. You see, I'm the Prince of Heliohapt, a kingdom in the Dark Continent. We specialize in medicinal herbs as well."

"The Dark Continent, you say?" I questioned, as the white-haired male nodded coolly. "A friend of mine actually lives there... or at least I think he does. In any case, I would very much like to see what types of goods Heliohapt has to offer."

"I would be more than happy to show you sometime, Princess~" A small wink made my heart flutter a little, before I turned away all together. "So Princess, are you skilled with anything else besides the needle?" The way the question was phrased made my expression sour, however, I opted to indulge him. For Sinbad's sake.

"If you speak of one-on-one combat, I have no experience whatsoever. I'm the High Priestess of Feanel. My job is to heal, not inflict pain and suffering. Though... I do wish to learn how to use a sword eventually... For protection." I spoke the truth, as Sharrkan grinned in my expression.

Oranges; Sinbad x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon