The Twenty-First Voyage

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"Long time no see, (Y/N)!" Sinbad greeted, as the other sisters swooned behind him. The older woman scatted them away, before leaving me alone with the King of Sindria.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked aggressively, shutting the door, to make sure no one was listening.

"Is it so wrong to see Feanel?" He shrugged, making me pout. 'I'm never going to get a straight answer out him, am I?' I thought, before he continued, "I must say, Feanel is much more awe-inspiring then I ever imagined it would be." He cooed out, walking around my office, looking, and touching every little thing that he could. I just didn't have the words.

"Don't you have a country to run, Sinbad?" I queried, raising an eyebrow.

"Ja'far is taking care of it." Sinbad stated, but I wasn't so sure. I knew that Ja'far could run a country as well as any King, however, that was hardly my point. What I mean is that Ja'far wouldn't allow Sinbad to wander far. Ja'far had to be in Feanel... or Sinbad ran away. One of the two options.

"Okay, then what do I owe this visit?" Before I let him speak, I cut in, "Never mind. You are probably here to see my sister. Can I assume that you've already met with her?" A moment of silence, "You... haven't seen her?" The King let out a quick chuckle, as I deadpanned. This guy was completely hopeless. "Then what are you doing here?" I asked, tilting my head to the side in questioning. I found it fairly odd that he came to see me before my sister. Along those lines, I was surprised that he remembered that I worked at the Church, though that didn't come off too much as a shock, considering he was sober when I told him.

"To answer the question you're thinking, I'm in Feanel to go over a couple of matters with your sister. On that note, I thought dropping by to say hello would surprise you." A small hue appeared on my cheeks considering that he was leaning over my desk and getting into my face. I would have accused him of being under the influence, but I didn't smell any alcohol on his breath. "I was also hoping to get a free tour from the Princess herself~" He cooed out, as I took a step back.

"W-Well..." Looking out the window, I saw the sun set over the horizon softly, "I would but it is getting late..." I muttered, packing up everything I needed. "Won't you walk with me?" Before I knew it, we were strolling through the public gardens. I was still shocked that he was here. Doing the math in my head, I realized that he set sail for Feanel a week after I left, which was suspicious in itself. Suddenly, my brain was brought out of its thoughts, as little Saria ran up to me with a smile crossing her features. Picking her up, I spun the girl around, as she babbled complete nonsense. The girl's green eyes soon darted to Sinbad, as he stared at the child as well.

"Is this Sinbad?" The girl asked me, as I hummed in affirmation. "Miss (Y/N) told us about you. Have you really traveled the seven seas?"

"Indeed, I have." Sinbad answered, smiling at Saria. She started to whisper in my ear, keeping an eye on the sailor. Upon hearing her words, a large red hue appeared on my cheeks, before she ran off with one of the other sisters. I was frozen stiff completely unable to speak. 'He's as handsome as you said.' Her statement wasn't anything dirty, but I couldn't help but become flustered. 'I did say he was handsome, didn't I?' I groaned, "What did she say?"

"Nothing!" I blurted, walking ahead of him, however, he followed, interested in what I was told. Approaching my father's statue, I stared at it for a moment, as Sinbad stared at it alongside me. Sinbad didn't mutter a word, instead, he looked upon the statue rather blankly. Boutiques and offerings surrounded the stone and bronze. The memorial was alive as ever. "Um..." I mumbled, moving past the statue, "The castle is this way." Entering the throne room, we were met with my sister conversing with two of Sinbad's Generals. More accurately, Sharrkan and Masrur.

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