The Fifth Voyage

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"So... finally left that floating rock?" The strange man in my dreams spoke, as he flicked some ear wax off his pinky finger. I sighed in annoyance before answering his question.

"Yes actually. And don't call it a floating rock! It's a beautiful island and you know it!" The man huffed out in frustration, before taking out his wand. It had been ten years and I still didn't know why Judar invaded my dreams. Every night, he was there. Sometimes, he would tolerate me, but other times, he just killed me on the spot. Was it annoying? Of course. After all, no one wanted to dream about dying, especially by a prick's hands. He had grown into a handsome man, but he was so much of a jerk, I overlooked it. "So... how is life treating you?"

"It's fine." He hastily answered, spinning his wand around his finger in a bored fashion. 'That's all he can say?!' I screamed mentally, before accepting that he won't willingly enjoy talking to me. "Hm... I wonder if you're a King's Candidate..." He murmured; However, I heard what he said.

"King's Candidate? What's that?" I asked, truly curious. Judar glared at me before he burst out laughing. I had little to no idea if his laughter was genuine or was meant to mock me. My answer became a fair mix of both.

"You mean you don't know?! Well, Island Princess, I would enlighten you, but I am getting really tired of your presence." With a blast to the stomach, I woke up from my nightmare. Instead of feeling scared however, I felt groggy and annoyed. 'Judar is a complete asshole, isn't he?' I asked myself mentally, holding my head in my hands. Looking out the window, all I saw was the great sea and the slightest hints of dawn. I knew it was early that morning, but I could grip my excitement. I jumped out of bed and started to put on the first outfit I pulled out of my dresser. A dark brown dress with a crème colored blouse and royal blue pants under it. A beautiful royal blue cover with intricate yellow embroidery covered the long hem. The cover dragged down to my leather knee-high boots.

Fixing my hair, I placed the tiara straight and with care. I wouldn't have thought that I would be wearing such luxuries only a couple of years ago. That me would have laughed it off as a cruel joke. Yet here I was, looking into the mirror, a completely different person. 'But am I really all that different?' I asked myself. I decided to leave that question off for another time. I walked over to the desk and started working on the mountains of paperwork. 'Where did this stuff even come from?' As I finished up a couple pages, a knock came from my cabin door. Mitsuko entered with a small grin drawn on his pale features.

"We have arrived in the Kingdom of Balbadd, Princess. We will dock in a couple minutes, so please come out to greet the crew while you wait." Blowing out the candles on my desk, I walked out with the snake like man to the main deck. The view was absolutely gorgeous. A large country awaited not too far from my glimmer (E/C) eyes. "Princess, the King Rashid Saluja and your father have not made any peace treaties or trade offers. It is imperative that you create the bonds that will hold for a lifetime. Do you understand?" I nodded at his direction, feeling nervous butterflies flutter around in my stomach; Nevertheless, a large smile was drawn on my features as I look out to the palace. Once we docked, I took Mitsuko, Meliora, and Octavius jumped into a well dressed carriage and made our way to the castle. As I looked out the window, I saw some people suffering terribly. 'Perhaps, I should ask them if they wanted to come with us, back to Feanel? Would I even be allowed to do that?' Arriving, Octavius took my arm gingerly before leading me inside. The palace was beautiful, but I much preferred Feanel. I gulped, feeling the butterflies in my stomach.

"You'll be okay, Princess." Nodding at Octavius's reassurance, I walked into the throne room with confidence. The King who sat on the throne was an older man, with long greying hair and a long goatee. His eyes were tired but held a great kindness to them. Beside him were three young boy. The eldest was pudgy and looked like an overgrown potato. The second eldest seemed more modest looking and a little more than meek. Then there was the youngest. He couldn't be older than ten years old and he adorned beautiful blond hair.

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