The Twentieth Voyage

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After a month of traveling, I finally arrived home. The tropical island of Feanel was a sight for sore eyes, as tears brimmed. "(Y/N), are you happy to be home?!" One of the crew members queried with a smile, as I continued to set my gaze on the island. Turning to meet the sailor, I returned the expression softly. The ocean wind brushed through my hair, dancing with it for as long as it could. I was happy to be home. To be in Feanel. When the boat docked, sailors unloaded the cargo as I made my way back to the castle to report my success. The bustle of town remained the same, as I squeezed past citizens, occasional greeting them and having off tangent conversations. Making my way towards the castle steps, a certain garden came to view. Roses of all colors decorated the path's sides lovingly, as I looked upon my father's bronze statue. The sound of rushing water met my ears, along with the distinct sound of gulls' clawing. I merely stared at the statue for a minute, before moving past it.

"Princess (Y/N), we are glad to see that you returned safely!" Verity cheered throwing her arms around my neck, as Meliora and Amira approached me silently. "So, how did the trade deal go? I'm sure it was a complete success." She spoked, as the others walked beside me, leading me into the confines of the palace. I nodded my head.

"It went extraordinarily well. Though..." Crossing my arms in frustrated anguish, I pouted to myself, "There wasn't much of a point making a trade deal with a country exactly like ours. That much is ridiculous in its own right, however, I believe that we at least established a bond with Sindria."

"That's wonderful to hear." Amira smiled kindly, holding a stack of papers to her chest. I wondered what they were for, however, I knew they were either for me or my sister. As if on cue, she handed me to stack. "These are just some reports that you need to review by the end of the day. I apologize for giving you work so soon, but these are Church related and need to be looked over."

"Thank you, Amira. Thank all of you." I smiled, as the three women stared at me in surprise. I wondered why they were gazing at me oddly, before Meliora spoke.

"Did you enjoy you trip, Princess?" She giggled, before they ran off together. I couldn't deny that I enjoyed the trip, even though it started off a little rough here and there. Entering my sister's throne room, she immediately got up from her seat before running up to my figure.

"(Y/N)!" She yelled, before incapacitating me into a large hug. I stood there frozen for a moment, before returning the embrace. "Now, give me all the details! How did it go?" She sat back down on her seat before I coughed into my fist.

"Though it started off a little rocky, I was able to retain and create relations with the Sindrian government, along with King Sinbad. On the terms of trade, Feanel has agreed to exchange medicine and medicinal herbs, for building supplies, textiles, and other goods from countries that we have never seen before. Most of this trade deal guaranteed an intertwining peace between nations, rather than material goods. To counteract this new influx of ships, we should build more docks. We have the room, so I will request volunteers and workers to help build those right away." My sister smiled down on me fondly, happier that I got off the island then the actual trade deal, however, she was delighted with all the good news that I had given. "We're one step closer to fulfilling father's dream..." I murmured. Kara heard it loud and clear.

"(Y/N), we've talked about this... Father would have wanted us to live our lives however we wished, as long as we have good intentions." I stared down at my leather boots, slightly shifting them across the carpet.

"But I want everyone to be in such peace! In order to create a better world, it needs to start with us doing something with the advice and advances father had brought forth for us!" Before my sister could speak, the large doors burst open. It was one of the sisters from the Church. They had requested me to help with some finances. Grinning at my sister awkwardly, I followed behind the woman. Across the patchwork street, we arrived at Feanel's crown jewel. Upon entering my office, I was greeted by stacks of paperwork. The woman let me be, before I started doing all of the reports and finances. Nothing awful came from these documents, but after a while, I started to feel my brain dying. I persisted, gripping my feathered pen with much effort. I had fallen asleep at my desk once it was all said and done.

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