His tone abruptly became dominant, grabbing my shirt, giving it a yank, making me gasp, "You think you can avoid me forever by sleeping before I come home?"

Sending a death-glare which dried my throat with the inability to speak further. "Did you really?"

Tears collected in my eyes, quivering by the intensity his resonance held, "Sebastian...." Whimpering, I tried to justify but he cut me off.

"No, you see. That is adorable. My sweet prey attempted to escape temporarily. Cute. But..." At his but, I could feel my soul giving up on me. Anticipating his response, I sniffed.

"Was it worth it!?" He yelled as I gasped. To say I was scared would be an understatement. When his voice raced, my body froze and I ended up crying.

"Was it?!" With my shirt in one hand and the other twirled around my hairs, I couldn't bear his supremacy anymore, shattering my soul by his power.

"No..." Sniffling, I couldn't speak before him.

"Louder." He ordered.

"No!" I cried, shutting my eyes, impotent to collide his eyes of lost patience with my failed attempt of avoiding him.

"So don't you fucking dare to avoid me again. Understand?" He warned, shaking badly, all I could hear was a nod, "Yes..."

Scoffing, he pushed me away and went to freshen up. Forcing my weak body to reach the bed, I sat immediately. Taking deep breaths to stop myself from trembling and put my raging heartbeats to normal.

But to no avail, he never fails to terrorize my soul. What an explicit beast is he? Wiping my tears, my orbs were unable to lift themselves from the ground.

But the fear I tried to suppress struck me with much force when he came out after taking a shower. Wearing nothing but his trouser, running his hand in his wet lock.

My heart skipped a beat when I noticed the hunger in his eyes, gripping the sheets, pretending I didn't notice but my blush betrayed me.

Smirking at my red face, he came closer, handed over the bedpost, making his ripped muscles more visible. Swallowing hard, I tried to move back which gave him access to crawl over.

He smirked atrociously and I didn't possess enough strength to beg him to maintain his distance. Scanning intensely my petite body with the intention of devouring it.

Gathering the mere ounce of my strength, I whimpered his name, on the verge of crying, "Sebastian, Please..."

His smirk grew wider as he extended his hand and grabbed my wrist, placing it on his heart which was pounding hard.

"Did you feel how your one whimper made my heart race? How can I resist when you give me what I desire? You tempt me yourself." He growled, tightening his grip over my wrist.

Yelping, I couldn't find any further place for me to escape anymore. He intertwined my fingers with his, imprisoning them as he secured them beside my head.

"Why do you do this to me?" I sobbed, unable to express how much it hurts. No matter what I say, I cannot control what I feel and it hurts.

It breaks my heart.

"How can I let you go when you are the fuel of my sin?" He asked breathlessly, locking my body with his, releasing my one hand to wipe my tears.

"Doesn't it hurt to break your own wife?" I asked and I shouldn't have.

"I see you from a perspective of a prey that is why it entices me." He replied coldly. Disgusted, I slapped his hand away.

"You are a psychopath, you belong to an asylum." Snarling, I was done with his heartless responses, breaking me.

"No, I belong to darkness." He corrected, chuckling faintly when I slapped his hand.

"And you belong with me..." he added, which made my heart pound with a force which made me think my heart would leap out of my chest.

"You don't take preys along." I growled, turning my head away in repulsion but my response brought an unforeseen seriousness to his face.

"I will consider you my wife when you see what I do..." He said, leaving me for a second. I blinked, bewildered when his lust faded and was replaced by something fierce beyond my comprehension.

"When you will hear what I do..." Growling, he slammed his hand on the side, startling me but I truly said something to trigger him.

"When you can touch what I do..."

I have no idea what he was talking about but then when therapy cannot heal him how can I?

"Until then," Cupping my cheek, he brushed his lips over mine, growling furiously before capturing my lips with his, "Burn in my vicinity, Eileen Stellios." 

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