54• |Commencing havoc|

Start from the beginning

"Long story! The short version is that I got into a small accident three days ago. I am a lot better now and I can pick her up. Let me..." Nandini informed Navya of her accident briefly and expressed her eagerness to pick Nia up.

"Stay put! I'll get her out here to you." Navya instructed her to remain seated much to Manik's relief because he did not seem so sure about Nandini picking up any sort of weight even if it was a small 3 kg baby. 

"There you go..." Navya muttered after placing Nia who was still a crying mess on Nandini's lap. Nandini began rocking the baby immediately, reducing the crying to less than earlier.

"What's wrong with my marshmallow? Aww, baby. I know... I know... It's going to be okay my angel." Nandini spoke a bunch of sweet nothings to her which put her cries to a complete rest surprising Manik and Navya in the process. Nandini kept rocking Nia rubbing her belly. She curiously looked up into Nandini's eyes with dried tear marks on her face.

"What are you- a witch? Please move in with me!" Navya spoke in disbelief making Nandini laugh at her choice of words. 

"She must have missed her mami... That's all... Isn't it marshmallow?" Nandini declared and then pretended to check with the baby about the same. 

"Why do you keep calling her that?" Manik interrogated puzzled by the nickname.

"That is what I call her since the time I met her... I can gobble her all at once. That's just how adorable you are, aren't you?" Nandini responded to Manik and then averted her attention back to Nia in her hands.

"Nandini has clearly chosen Cabir and Nia's side. What about you Manik?" Navya asked him humorously. The situation was far from funny but she did not want to make the atmosphere awkward so she tried to keep it light. 

"You know that is not true. I am always on Nia's side but I cannot choose between you and Cabir, Navya. He needs a place to stay till you both figure out your situation and I'm just giving a temporary solution for that." Nandini corrected Navya because she felt guilty for making her feel that way. 

"I know... I was just kidding. How's he doing?" Navya asked in a low voice. She was feeling awful about herself since the moment Cabir walked out of their door. She was angry in the night when they had just fought but after waking up the next morning guilt overpowered all the other emotions. The guilt was about chasing him out of his own home and in the middle of the night no less.

"He's a mess, obviously. I know things are very bad between you two right now but that does not remove his love for you. He's missing you and Nia. He wants to come back but more than that he wants to give you what you want which is space. He won't pester you into talking to him until you're ready so, take all the time that you need." Manik spoke directly. If he was blunt with Cabir then he was more than capable to be like that with Navya as well.

"I don't know how much he has told you guys but it is not all my fault. We both are equally in the wrong here. I am just thinking about what might be best for Nia. It is better to grow up in a co-parenting situation right from the beginning instead of having to hear us bickering all the time. I don't want that kind of negativity for her." Navya was consumed by the fear of what impact their fights could have on Nia. She wanted to avoid that and thus, parting ways seemed like the only option for her. 

"I understand where you are coming from but can I be honest with you?" Nandini paused to ask if Navya minds her honest opinion.

"Of course..." Navya responded readily. Any sort of guidance or advice could benefit her because she was feeling extremely lost.

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