Promises and Plans

Start from the beginning


It was almost lunchtime and Raven still hadn't talked to Charlie. She had spotted him outside the cabin after breakfast. He was talking to a huge man at least twice his size. It had to be Hagrid. She knew they had a lot of catching up so she decided to wait until later.

As soon as she went inside the Great Hall for lunch, she saw them. With Hagrid's size and Charlie's red hair, they were hard to miss. To her surprise, Marco was sitting at the staff table as well. He still looked thin but his color was much better. The familiar frantic wave made her smile. Poor, Marco; he had been through so much. It was good to know he was as harmless as she had originally thought. She walked over to him. "It's great to see you back, Marco!"

Marco beamed. "I heard you created the potion and broke the curse!"

"Oh, I had a lot of help. I hope things weren't too horrible for you," she said quietly.

"I wasn't at Azkaban so not that bad. They kept me at St. Mungo's since they knew I needed... medical help." He looked down at his plate in embarrassment.

"Well, I'm sure everyone is glad to see you. Hogwarts just hasn't been the same."

Charlie motioned for her to come over. "Raven, There's someone I want you to meet."

"Excuse me, Marco, we'll catch up later."

Raven sat down next to Charlie. "You doin' okay?" Charlie asked anxiously.

"I'm fine." She reached under the table and squeezed his hand.

"I'd like you to meet Rubeus Hagrid."

Raven held out her hand. "It's wonderful to meet you. Should I call you Rubeus?" Chit cocked her head at Hagrid and made a long cooing sound.

"Call meh Hagrid. Ever'one does," said Hagrid, shaking her hand. "Charlie says great things about yeh." He patted Charlie on the back.

"I've heard great things about you as well." Raven gave him a dazzling smile.

Hagrid patted Charlie so hard, he pitched forward in his chair.

"Sorry abou' tha', Charlie," Hagrid said, getting flustered.

"So, was your mission a success, Hagrid?" said Raven.

"Uh, well... yeah. Was a bigger success than I bargained fer." He and Charlie both laughed. "I expected Grawp ter find a female giant aroun' his size. He hit it off with one o' the largest females there. I'm 'fraid his cave may be too small fer 'em."

"I can enlarge it for you," Charlie said.

"Tha' would be great, thanks." Hagrid turned to Raven. "I hear yer ridin' on Brae."

"I hope that's okay." Raven said.

"Sure, tha's fine. Good thin' she don' eat birds." Hagrid gestured at Chit. "Tha' there's a beauty."

Raven smiled at Chit. "Thank you. I'm lost without her." Chit nudged herself a little closer to Raven's cheek. Hagrid nodded approvingly.

"Raven can do Legilimency with animals," Charlie said proudly.

Hagrid was stunned. "Tha's a rare gift tha' is!"

"Not all animals," Raven said quickly. "And I have to be able to touch my head to their's."

"Ah, well then yeh'd never be able ter communicate with dragons," Hagrid said, disappointment in his voice.

"Actually...," Charlie proceeded to tell him about their adventure with the Japanese Water Dragon.

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