Headlines and Bloodlines

Start from the beginning

A lovely witch at the engagement party, Pansy Parkinson, is a close friend of Draco Malfoy. According to Parkinson, Black was intimidating his future wife. "I was right in the middle of a lovely conversation with Astoria about our years at Hogwarts when she came over and abruptly pulled her away. Astoria was in tears, and I'm really concerned for her. Raven has a pet crow and it's common knowledge crows are used in Dark Magic. One can only guess what is going on behind closed doors."

This reporter felt it was imperative I tell our readers, especially those with children attending Hogwarts, about this latest hire. We can only hope the school board will look into these concerns.

Raven put the paper down slowly, trying to take in what she had just read. Her shock was quickly turning to anger like she'd never felt before. Total lies! How dare she slander — not just her — but her father, Madam Maxime, and Minerva McGonagall! She glanced down the table and saw Milly looking at her with a sly smile. Raven's fingers itched with an impulse to hex her with every curse she knew.

"Calm down. We'll get this sorted out," Charlie said worriedly as he watched Raven's hair change from black to a red as bright as his own.

A shadow fell over the troubled couple. They looked up to see Professor McGonagall. "Raven, please come with me."

Raven followed the Headmistress out of the Great Hall, aware that most of the room was watching. As they walked down the corridor towards the Headmistresses office, her mind was whirling with thoughts. Would she be fired? What could she do about the lies in that article? And why would the Malfoys invite such nasty people to their party?

Instead of taking her usual seat behind her desk, Professor McGonagall sat down in one of the hard-backed chairs across from it and motioned for Raven to do the same. The Headmistress seemed to be thinking carefully about what to say. "Raven, what do you think will always be your biggest obstacle to becoming a respected teacher?"

Raven's first thought was if lies are written about you in a paper that's read by most of the magical world in Great Britain. She knew that probably wasn't the answer Professor McGonagall was looking for but all she could think of was the slanderous story. "I suppose it's important to notice who may be listening when you're talking in public but that Skeeter witch twisted things around or just lied." Her anger was building up again as she talked. "And I didn't see her anywhere near us when we were talking. I'm so sorry she wrote that about you." Raven's voice shook and her vision blurred. "Oh, and Madame Maxime, after everything she's done for me."

"That story is just a slight inconvenience, It means nothing at all," Professor McGonagall said. Raven was incredulous. "Olympe and I have had to deal with far worse in our careers." Professor McGonagall continued. She looked at Raven with the same penetrating stare as when she interviewed her. "Your biggest obstacle is that you are female. Women have to be better and brighter than their male counterparts to achieve the same level in their career. You will always be judged on whether you're reacting emotionally instead of logically. If there is a discussion, you need to speak up and make sure you are heard, and if you are in a relationship, especially if it turns into marriage, it will be assumed you can not dedicate yourself to your job the same way a man can."

"Perhaps, but what should I do about this?"

"What do you think you should do?"

Raven thought for a moment. Sue the newspaper for libel? Act as if it's a big joke? Get revenge? The answer was obvious. "I should find a way to discredit the writer and tell people the truth."

Professor McGonagall nodded her approval. "I have already sent an owl to the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet. Barnabus Cuffe was one of my students. I'm sure he'll allow you to submit a rebuttal. I suggest you start working on that now and I will teach the rest of your classes today."

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