A Party with Secrets

Start from the beginning

"Miss Raven, you is beautiful!" Dilly said in a quiet awestruck voice. Raven bent down and gave her a kiss.

"Come on Chit, it's time to go." The bird flew to her shoulder. "If you poop on my jacket, I'll never forgive you. Goodbye, Dilly!"

When Raven walked down the corridor, a few students that weren't in their Houses yet stopped and stared. Suddenly, she was excited to go to the party after all and looking forward to seeing Charlie in his dress robes. As she descended the large staircase to the Front Hall, Charlie was standing at the bottom looking up at her. He had a stunned look as if he'd been hit by a bludger. "Wow!"

"You look pretty nice yourself, Charlie Weasley." Charlie's black dress robes fit his muscular frame nicely. He was wearing a gold tie that had a subtle pattern of dragons swirling around each other. Raven put her arm through his. "Shall we go?" As they walked down the steps towards the front lawn, Charlie kept stealing glances at her. When Raven called Brae, she was relieved there was no carcass in her mouth when she arrived. "So you're sure this Double Bubble Head charm will work?"

"Practiced it on a couple of old busts I found in the library," Charlie said. "At least until Madame Pince caught me and kicked me out. You'd think I was still a student, the way she went at me!" Raven laughed. It would have been quite entertaining to see Charlie harassed by Irma Pince.

After casting the Disillusionment Charm, they mounted Brae. Raven had to sit side saddle because of her dress. "Make sure I don't fall off!"

"That won't be a problem." Charlie put one arm around her waist, then pulled out his wand. "Duo Bulla Caput," he said confidently. They immediately saw a slight haze in front of their vision. The Double Bubble Head charm looked like two bubbles had touched in midair and fused together.

As soon as they both grabbed the bottom of Brae's mane, Raven commanded, "Take us to Malfoy Manor." The thestral took off quickly, and she felt Charlie's arm tighten around her waist. Chit had flattened herself next to Raven's cheek before the Bubble Head Charm was cast, so she was enjoying the scenery for once. It was intoxicating, soaring through the evening air and feeling Charlie so close. Raven was a little disappointed when they reached their destination.

Brae landed right outside the heavy wrought iron gate in front of the manor. Tall yew hedges were on either side. "Evanesco," Charlie said, and the Bubble Head Charm vanished.

They dismounted and Raven turned to Brae. "If you go to the back of the property, there is a carriage house. Inside, you'll find some meat and water waiting for you. Stay there until we call; there may be people here that are afraid of thestrals." She stroked Brae's silky neck, then turned to go through the gates. "I guess there's some drawbacks to riding a thestral," she mused, as they walked down the path towards the manor.

Charlie looked up as they passed a white peacock strutting along the top of the hedge. "Least you don't have to worry about her bothering the peacocks."

As they got closer, they could see brightly lit windows on the first floor with silhouetted figures moving around inside. When they reached the front door, it immediately opened. A stiff wizard in silver robes with a dark green tie greeted them. "Welcome to Malfoy Manor. Please feel free to get a drink. The bar is in the back on the right. Whom may I say has arrived?" Raven gave the Greeter their names. She heard him say an incantation as they made their way to the ballroom. A Patronus in the shape of an owl zoomed overhead to give the Malfoys the news of their arrival.

While they were making their way to the bar, Raven noticed most of the room was a sea of green formal wear. Perhaps she should have worn a different jacket color. She wasn't really interested in fitting in with this crowd. Charlie noticed as well. "Lot of green in this room." She nodded.

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