Chapter 30: The Magician (Part 2)

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Hi everyone!

As you guys know, about three months ago I came back from a hiatus and promised a bi-weekly uploading schedule until I ran out of chapters. Well... about that... that time is now. 😅

Here's the thing: I still love this story. I have planned so far ahead with this book it's crazy, and I do still plan to write the entire thing, however I have other stories that I have been writing that I'm equally as excited about.

Please don't see this as me complaining, because I'm not writing this book for the views, or the likes, or the comments - I'm writing this for myself and whoever else might enjoy it or take comfort from it, even if that's only one other person. That being said, this story doesn't get a whole lot of interaction, and as you've all seen just from making it this far, I write some pretty long chapters for this book.

If I were to write in this book with the type of schedule I had for myself currently, I would be spending 100% of my time in this book trying to keep up with updates and not any of the other books I've been working on, and I really don't mean to sound rude or ungrateful but I'm not going to put 100% of my time and effort into a book that (at least currently) only about 5 people are keeping up with and almost no one seems to vote for/comment on, when I have other works I would like to work on. If you have voted or added it to a reading list, or anything like that, I really do appreciate you for it, and if you haven't, that's okay too. My goal for this A/N isn't to get more votes or comments or whatever, it's just to be honest with you guys and let you in on my thinking and why I'm doing what I'm doing.

Moral of the story is that I WILL be continuing in this book, I just won't be updating regularly anymore. At least, not for the foreseeable future. That doesn't mean it'll take me months to release the next chapter (although it's not 100% impossible). It really depends on my excitement level for writing the upcoming chapters. I could decide to binge-write like 5 chapters at once, in which case you'd be getting more chapters sooner. Or, I could take a while to write one chapter, in which case the uploads might come more sporadically. Honestly, it's too soon to tell.

Sorry for the super long update, but like I said, I just wanted to give you guys an honest viewpoint of where I'm at right now.

That being said, if you do like my content and/or writing style and are interested in seeing other works of mine, I currently have two other books published on my page that you can check out (both of which are Supernatural). Or, if you like Marvel, some of the other books I've been working on are Marvel fanfictions, so keep an eye out for those, if that's something that interests you! I can't say for certain when I'll start posting those, but (shameless plug 😁) if you follow my account @Carry_On_Waywards, you'll be notified as soon as those come out!

Now, for the reason you're actually here: Time for part 2 of The Magician! Enjoy!


The door to the diner chimed as the three hunters entered into the establishment.

"Drive safely now, Mr. Pickett." They heard the cashier say off to the side.

"Yeah, yeah." The old man, who they assumed was Mr. Pickett, said dismissively, and then turned and walked out of the diner.

"Order up." They heard faintly, from the back, following the ding of a dinner bell.

The three then walked over to where the booths were and seated themselves in an empty one.

"Can't stay unless you order something, Cal. You know the rules." They heard one of the waitresses say to a gentleman up at the bar, on their way over to their seats.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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