Chapter 10: I Can See the Light (Part 2)

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As it neared dinner time, the three of them decided to stop in Clearfield, Pennsylvania to grab some food. They ended up stopping in at a pub and dined in.

"I'm gonna hit the John, you two wanna grab us a seat?" Dean asked, gesturing to the bathrooms, located right at the entrance.

"Sure." Sam said, and Dean walked off.

The two of them made their way over to an empty table and Leah slid into one side of the booth, Sam sliding in next to her. He hadn't realized what he'd done until he looked over and saw the blush forming on Leah's face. It was such a normal and natural thing for him to do, he didn't even think it might be an issue.

"S-Sorry." He said, then gestures to the other side. "I can move if you-"

"No, it's okay." Leah interrupted, a bit nervous, herself. "I don't mind."

"You sure? I don't mind moving if this makes you too uncomfortable." Sam offered.

"I'm fine, really." Leah insisted. Sam wasn't sure if he entirely believed her, but he dropped it and stayed put, anyways.

It was awkwardly silent for a few moments, until Sam finally spoke up.

"So..." He said. "Is there anything else that's different for you that we haven't talked about yet? Obviously nothing big, or you would've told us, but anything smaller? Anything you can think of might help."

"Uh..." She took a second to think. "I don't know. I guess I don't know enough about this version of things to really make a comparison."

"Okay, uh..." Sam said, doing some thinking of his own. "We became a thing right before Cornwall; did we have a case there in your version?"

"Yeah." Leah said, nodding.

"Okay, um, then after Cornwall we had that case in Milwaukee with the Shapeshifter." Sam said.

"I didn't go on that one, but yeah, that case happened in my version, too." Leah explained.

"What? Why not?" Sam asked.

"I sat it out. I wasn't doing great, 'ya know, emotionally, the night before, and the original plan was to just scope out the place, so I insisted I wouldn't be missing much and that I would check in every hour if it made you both feel better. Neither of you liked the idea of it, but you let me stay back, anyways. Then you guys got locked up in there and I ended up watching the whole thing on the news."

"Why didn't we insist on taking you with us to take your mind off of it? That's what we did, and you were fine." Sam said.

"You mean I wasn't doing good the night before in this version, either? And you still took me?" Leah asked.

"Yeah, of course we did." Sam said. "We weren't just gonna leave you by yourself to then potentially get worse. You gave us the whole spiel about how you wanted to stay because you weren't feeling good, but then we convinced you that coming with us was better for you. Neither of us wanted to leave you, knowing that we could come home and you might've relapsed, and there was something we could have done about it."

Leah couldn't help but wonder, then, why her boys had left her behind. The only difference is that she had a suicide attempt in her world, so why would that make them more inclined to leave her by herself that day?

She gave him a forced smile, wanting to move on, and asked, "So what happened next?"

"Uh, the case in Providence, with Father Gregory's ghost." Sam said.

"Yeah, we went on that one." She said.

"Then Meg possessed me." Sam said.

"Yeah, also happened in mine." Leah said, practically shuddering at the memory. Watching Sam go through that was horrible, and she preferred to shove that memory as far down as she could.

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