Chapter 20: She Was Bored

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Hi everyone!

I just wanted to check in with you guys and let you know that this is going to be the last chapter you guys get before I leave for my vacation, so it might be a bit before you guys get another one. I leave tomorrow, so I wanted to give you guys something to hold you over until I get back. I am releasing this now, before I am away from any service or wifi (I'm going on a cruise so I couldn't post anything even if I wanted to; sorry about that! 😅).

That being said, I'm going to be gone for about a week, but I do plan on starting right back into my writing as soon as I get back, so my guess is that the soonest you guys will get a new chapter will be in two weeks (It really just depends on how long it takes me to write the next chapter 😂).

Just in case it ends up being a longer wait in between now and the next chapter, I just wanted to touch base and let you know what's up so you don't think I forgot about you guys!

I hope everyone is having a great day, and enjoy the chapter!


Leah opened her eyes and squinted at the sunlight coming through the blinds. She took in a breath and stretched out her limbs before getting herself comfortable in her bed once again. Why did she have to get up? It's not like she could really do much anyways, so it's not like she'd really be missing out on much. The more she thought about it, the more tempting the thought of just spending the day in bed became.

She knew she couldn't, though. Both Bobby and the boys would assume she was feeling depressed. Which, in all fairness maybe she was, but she'd been depressed since the seventh grade so what did it matter if she stayed in bed all day every once in a while? Sure, she was still pretty upset about Nick's death, and rightfully so considering it hadn't even been a month yet, but this wasn't about that. Well, maybe partially, but it wasn't her main reason for wanting to stay in bed.

Mostly, she was just bored and would rather be bored in the comfort of her bed than doing mundane tasks to keep her busy while she recovered. Besides, as stupid as it sounded, when she got bored, she typically got depressed, so she knew she'd probably end up right back in her bed anyways when the time came. Right now, she was fine; she was just being lazy. But still, knowing that at some point in the next few hours she'd probably end up feeling her depression take over didn't help motivate her to get up any.

It had been a week since she had gotten her concussion and five days since they'd finally made it to Bobby's, and at this point, she was itching to get back to her normal routine. Or even just to watch a damn cartoon. Unfortunately, her concussion was taking its sweet time to heal, and although she was doing considerably better, doing things like looking at screens and reading for too long gave her headaches. The first few days of her new routine without TV, books, or training went fine at first, but now all she wanted was for her stupid head to heal itself, and fast.

As for her arm and hand injury, they were healing up much better and quicker than her head was. They had already taken out her stitches the day prior, and the cut itself didn't really hurt all that much anymore unless she really pressed on it. The bruising on her hand had faded to a pale green and even though the green didn't look too pretty, most of the pain from it had gone away. Like the cut on her arm, the only time she still felt pain was if she really pushed in on certain areas of her hand.

Leah glanced up at the clock on her nightstand and saw that it read 9:04 am. She let out a sigh through her nose as she debated her next move. She tapped her thumb against the mattress anxiously as she weighed her options. She really did not want to get up, but she also didn't want Sam, Dean, or Bobby on her ass, asking her if she was okay or whatever. She appreciated the gesture, but asking her if she was okay usually reminded her of why she shouldn't be. She was trying to push everything negative out of her mind and just focus on recovering from her concussion for the time being, but it was hard to do that when she was constantly being reminded of it.

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