Confessions - Hex

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If Grian doesn't do this now, it'll never get done, Xay told themself as they typed a response.

<EvilXisuma> yes

And now it was the next day, and Xay was still considering moving to Alaska.

They hadn't heard from Hels all day. Which they supposed was normal, it's not like they talked every day.

Just some days. Okay, more than just some. Try most. Fuck, maybe all of them.

Xay was officially past the point of panicking and was now solidly at an existential crisis.

Their communicator pinged. They waited a good minute or so before looking at it.

<HelsKnight> can we talk?

Xay wasn't sure if they were happy Hels was still speaking to them or downright terrified for the conversation that was about to ensue. They decided it was both and replied to the message.

<EvilXisuma> sure. where?

<HelsKnight> spawn?

<EvilXisuma> i'll meet you there

Xay took a deep breath. And then another five. Then they flew through the nether hub to the portal to spawn, took another three breaths, and walked through.

After the swirling purple faded from their view, they saw Hels. The Nether Knight paced back and forth, the slight breeze blowing the red plume of his helmet back and forth. A few locks of blonde hair had fallen out of the inside of his black helmet, and his armor gleamed in the sunlight.

Stop staring, Xay chided themselves, running a hand nervously through their white hair.

Hels looked up. "Hi."

Xay tried for a reassuring smile but was sure it looked more like a terrified grin. "Hi."

"You know you can, like, step further away from the portal. I'm not going to hurt you."

Xay laughed slightly, stepping a few steps away from the portal. You wouldn't hurt me physically, at least.

There was a long span of silence. Eventually Hels took a deep breath and spoke. "So. Yesterday happened."

Xay nodded. "Yes it did."

"Do you wish to elaborate on any of it?"

Xay licked their lips nervously. Why was their heart beating so fast? "Um, which part exactly?"

Hels spread his hands. "All of it. Any of it. Who, what, when, where, why, and probably how as well."

"Well, I, um, Grian and Iskall found out yesterday. As you know," Xay said with a nervous laugh.

Hels snorted. "Okay, well, really, I want to know why."

"Why they told you or why I like you?"

"Second one."

Every bit of ambient noise seemed to go dead silent as Xay formulated their response.

"Well, I mean... you're witty, and sarcastic, and smart, and a good fighter, and a good person, and you make me laugh..." Xay shrugged. "Why would I not?"

Hels frowned slightly. "I guess those are good points."

There was another span of silence. Thankfully, the ambient noises had kicked up again.

"Do you like anyone?" the words were out of Xay's mouth before they could stop them. "I-I'm sorry, it's none of my business, you don't have to answer if you don't want to-"

Hels held up his hand and stepped closer. His smoldering orange-red eyes met Xay's terrified ruby ones. "I'll let you figure that out."

He closed the gap between the two and kissed them. Xay couldn't explain in words how good it felt. Partially because they were now a puddle of happiness on the ground at spawn.

Hels pulled away after what felt like an eternity. A glorious, wonderful eternity, mind you, but an eternity nonetheless. "Does that answer your question?" Hels whispered with a small smirk.

Xay nodded, speechless, with a huge grin on their face. They leaned forward and stole another kiss.

"I love you, Xay," Hels said quietly after they pulled apart.

"Love you too, Hels."


We love Hex fluff :)

I wrote this way past my bedtime and it probably shows.

Word Count: 994 

Hope you enjoyed, see you in the next one!


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