"Yes, (idk what you would wanna call her. Mistress? Mommy? Tory? Idk).", I reply.

I feel her fingers rub against me before pushing into me.

I moan and bite my lip.

She starts to move her fingers in and out, causing me to feel a sensation forming in my stomach.

I moan but it gets cut short by Tory placing a hand over my mouth, "Shh... you don't want to get caught, do you, princess?". I shake my head and she moves her hand down to my clit, rubbing it.

Keep in mind, this is my (I think) 4th time having someone else touch me? I've been doing it to myself for years but having it done by someone else is wayyy different.

I could feel the familiar but stronger feeling come again and was about to let it lose when a loud knock came from the other end of the stall.

"Hey! Are you ok?", a person asks.

"Yeah. We were just fixing our makeup.", Troy replied, still rubbing me.

I tried my best to keep quiet.

"In the stall?", the person asks. "Yep.", Tory replied. "Is Y/n ok?", the rando questions. "Im FiNe.", I say in a shakey voice. "You sure? You were crying pretty hard.", the person declares. "She said she's fine!", Tory yells. "Alright, I was just trying to help.", the person says and I hear the footsteps walking away.

Once the door closed Tory looked me in the eyes, "You can let it go now, princess.".

And with that, I came. It felt amazing. It was a feeling that I definitely enjoyed. Not to diss Demetri, but this shit was so much better when it was girls. Perks of being fruity, you come more than once per year, unlike Santa.

~time skip~

I was walking next to Tory, who's arms were locked with Robbys.

We didn't really talk in the car, I just sat there awkwardly.

I watched as Yasmine and Demetri talked, she started to get all touchy with him and he seemed extremely uncomfortable.

I look over and see Sam and Miguel looking at Tory and Robby, who (SLAYED) and walked off.

I took in a deep breath and walked over to Demetri and Yasmine.

"Hey.", I wave.

When Demetris eye locked on me, I felt my breath hitch.

Maybe I do still love him...

"Y/n.", Yasmine walks towards me, "You look so beautiful.". "Thank you.", I smile. Why did I sleep with her.

"I'd have to agree with that statement.", Demetri says, smiling at me. I look over and see Eli just staring at me. When we make eye contact he just looks away.

I feel so bad for him. He doesn't deserve this. Sure he talked complete shit and was an asshole, but deep down he's a good person.

I look behind my back and see Tory and Robby GOING TO TOWN.

"Hey.", I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look back and see Demetri, "Can I have this dance?".

I smile a fake smile, "Sure.".

He grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor.

He wraps his arm around my waist and I put my hand on his shoulder. This was a scene (I'm 5'2 and he's like 6'0 so I'm imagining that. Sorry if you're tall).

We were slow dancing when Bert came up to us.

He told us about this party? Someplace, somewhere, I don't know. I wasn't paying that much attention. I just know we were going to a party.

~time skip bc y not~

I was on the couch, sitting next to Eli and Demetri. Yasmine right next to me, basically sitting on me.

"Why don't we go somewhere special, Y/n.", she whispered, not gonna lie, she's a bit psycho. Really clingy.

"Umm... here... why don't you go with someone else.", I say. "But I want to go with you.", she says, her finger trailing on my jawline. "Fine.", I don't want to do this, but if it'll stop her from pulling this shit, I'm fine with it.


"Alright.", I sigh.

~time skip again bc not more smut for you, lovelies >:( you've had enough (LMAO)~

I start to walk outside, attempting to grab a drink when I see Tory and Sam talking.

Shit... not again.

I see Sam kick Tory in the stomach.

"Hey!", I call out.

They don't pay any attention to me but continue fighting.

"Stop it!", I yell, running over, my heels flying off along the way.

"Shut up!", Sam says. "Don't talk to her like that!", Tory says, making eye contact with me.

She looks like she's trying to stop Sam, but the LaRusso doesn't seem to give up.

I see Miguel run over, "Sam, stop!". Sam grunts as Miguel rips her off Tory.

They start to have a conversation and I pull Tory up.

"Are you ok?", I ask. "I'm fine. What about you?", she moves some hair from my face.

Tory looks back to Sam and charged at her.

"No!", Miguel yells and tackles Tory to the ground.

"Get off me!", she yells.

They look at each other for a few seconds, and j can feel the jealousy radiating off Sam.

"No!", "Let me go!".

Then, here comes Robby, "Get off her!".

They (Sam, Miguel, and Robby) start to fight and Sam gets Robby in a hold, "You think I broke your heart? You broke mine too!".


"You cheated on him!", I yell, distracting her.

"Just like your boyfriend!", she replies.

I hear ~oohs~ come from all around me and I see Tory shift and sweep her leg.

They all get up and make eye contact before continuing to fight.

Robby and Miguel have some side conversation before Miguel gets thrown into Sam and Tory, knocking them both into the water.

"Oh, we're jumping in the pool? This is the greatest night of my life! Cannonball!", this middle-aged man jumps into the pool.

~last time skip~

After everyone jumped into the pool, Tory approached me.

"Are you ok?", she asked. "Are you?", I chuckle. "Just ignore Sam. She can be a little bitch sometimes.", Tory laughs. "I'm well-aware.", I smile before frowning, "Did you cheat on Robby?". "He actually doesn't care, as long as it's ok with him. I talked to him about you, he knows you went through a rough time and it might cheer you up.". "Oh... so it was just to cheer me up? Nothing else?", I ask, looking down. She sighs, lifting up my chin with her hand, "There is something there. But I'm with Robby. You have Yasmine, Demetri, and even Eli! Why don't you give him a chance?".

"I... don't know...", I reply.


Should I change this to mature?

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