Chapter 32.

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Luke's POV

I told Michelle I would go to the bathroom but I was actually going to tell Michael to talk to Michelle. Yes Michael is here. I told him this morning to wait for me by the bathrooms. I walked to the bathroom and saw him standing there.

"Okay. Michelle is by the gift shop. Go and apologize to her. I'll be watching." I said. Michael nodded and smiled.

"Okay. Here goes nothing. And thanks for helping me." he said. I nodded and smiled. Michael left to the gift shop and I followed him. I stayed a few feet away and saw what was happening. Michelle got scared when he walked up to her.

I got a little closer and I heard everything.

"Hey Michelle. Please don't be scared. I'm really sorry for everything. Honestly I don't know why I bullied you. But you know your friend, Rebecca? Yea I'm her boyfriend. When she told me she saw you I didn't want to break up with her and say oh why are friends with the slut. I'm very sorry. When you first came to the school I was going to walk up to you and say hello you must be new. I didn't since Luke stopped me and we started talking. I just went with what Luke said. I honestly don't know why I continued after Luke became friends with you. I'm very sorry. I hope you can accept my apology and be my friend." Michael said.

Michelle smiled a little and nodded. Michael hugged her and spinner her around. I felt a little bit jealous. Michael looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. I went to them and put an arm around Michelle.

"Okay well I got to go. But I'll catch up with you guys later. See ya." Michael said leaving.

"Well let's go have some fun."

After moments of riding rides and Michelle vomiting we decided to go home. Michelle hated roller coasters and I knew that. It took a lot of convincing to make her go on some.

"You know I hate you." Michelle said.

"You love me." I said.

"You know I hate roller coasters." She said.

"I'm sorry." I said. She ignored me and went to the kitchen. I chuckled and followed her. I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Don't be mad at me babe. I'm sorry. Plus you can never be mad at me." I said. Michelle turned and giggled.

"Your right. I can't be mad at you. Except when you do something serious then yea." She said. I chuckled and kissed her nose. She giggled. Gosh her giggle is so cute.

"Your giggle is cute." I said. She laughed and shook her head.

"It's not." she said.

"Yes. It's so cute just like you." I said.

"Your so cheesy." She said.

"But you like it." I said.

"I love you." Michelle said.

"I love you too."


~ 2 years later ~

"Are you ready? Do you have everything?" Ashton asked me. I nodded and put a black little box in my pocket. Today is Michelle's 19th birthday. I have a surprise for her.

"Good luck." Michael told me. I thanked him. I'm actually nervous that Michelle might say no. Yes I'm proposing to her. I know we are young. But I love her a lot.

"Okay let's go." Calum said. Rosemary and Calum have been dating for two years. Same as Ashton and Nathaly. Michael broke up with Rebecca since she moved to the United States with her family and he didn't was along distance relationship. And well me I'm getting ready to propose to Michelle. Everyone knows except for her obviously.

Her mom is visiting Michelle for only 3 years so next year Michelle's mom leaves. Jesus, Michelle's brother, is also staying for 3 years so he leaves with his mom next year as well.


We got to her place and I knocked on her door. Michelle opened it and she looked beautiful. She was wearing a short pink dress with black heels. I was taking her out while everyone is waiting in her house. Her mom and Jesus also know I'm proposing.

"Wow you look gorgeous." I said.

"Thanks. You look handsome." she said. I smiled and held out a hand and she gladly took it. I told the boys to wait in her house. I was taking Michelle out to walk by the beach. It's beautiful today. Just like her. I know very cheesy. We got to the beach and we walked. Michelle took off her heels and I put my arm around her.

"Happy Birthday baby." I said.

"Thanks. I'm finally 19." She said. I chuckled and she giggled.

"Well I got a surprise for you." I said.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Why do you think I said surprise?" I chuckled. We walked more until I stopped. I turned Michelle around so she is now facing me.

"Michelle. We have been dating for 2 years now. I love you. A lot. Since the first day I met you I couldn't stop thinking about you. I know we started off with the wrong foot but I really love you. I love the way you laugh, smile, and I love your beautiful eyes. I just love everything about you. I don't know what I would do without you. I would probably be lost. I wouldn't be complete without you. So would you do the honor of marrying me?" I said. I got down on one knee and took out the black box opening it up and showing the ring. Michelle was now crying. She smiled and nodded.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I do." she said. I smiled and put the ring on her. I got up and kissed her. I love her so much. Michelle Ramirez is now my fiancé and soon to be Michelle Hemmings. We stayed on the beach a little longer and then went back home. As soon as we got in everyone jumped on us.

"Careful I have a dress." Michelle said.

"What did you say?" Michelle's mom said.

"I said yes!" Michelle yelled. Michelle showed them the ring and they hugged us saying congrats. We were all talking until everyone left. Except for Michelle's mom and her brother. Michelle and I were thinking of renting our own apartment now that we are getting married in like 6 months.

I'm happy. So happy. The girl I bullied is now my fiancé. I never thought I would get this far with Michelle. Michelle is the one. Michelle is the love of my life. Michelle is that one missing part in my life. Michelle completes me. I lover her. I can't wait to get married.

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