Chapter 19.

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Michelle's POV
I woke up due to someone shaking me.
"Wake up lazy ass. Wake up we are going to be late for school." A voice said. Of course I know that voice. Ashton.
"Ashton school doesn't start until 8:30." I said.
"But it's 8:20." he said. What?! 8:20?! I got up and took a shower and when I came out I brushed my teeth and looked at my clock and it was 7:59.
"Really?! It's only 7:59!" I yelled at Ashton.
"I know that was the only way to wake you up." he said.
"Get out I'm going to change." I said. He nodded and left. I put on my baby blue dress and my black flats. I left my hair down and I put a little bit of makeup and grabbed my things plus my phone and headed downstairs where I saw Ashton sitting on my couch watching tv. I went and sat next to him.
"Let's go get your girlfriend up." I said. He nodded and we left to Nathalys house to wake her up. When we got to her house and went to her room. I told Ashton we have to pull the covers off her and start tickling her. He nodded and counted to three. We pulled the covers off her and started tickling her and she started laughing.
"Stop!" She said. We stopped tickling her and she got up.
"Get up we have school today." I said. She nodded and went to to shower and do her things. Ashton and I went to her living room and waited for her.
"How's things between you and Luke?" Ashton asked.
"Great. I really love him. Thanks for giving him the opportunity to change." I said.
"No problem. You were right. I should be happy for you and give him a chance." he said. I smiled and hugged him. Nathaly soon came downstairs and she was wearing a red flannel shirt with black pants and red converse.
"Ready. Let's go." she said. I nodded and we left together to school. When we got to school I saw Rosemary, Randy, Caroline, Derek, Calum, and Luke. All three of us went to them and Luke came and hugged me and gave me a peck on the lips.
"Hey Michy." Calum said.
"Hey Cal." I said. Calum came up to me and hugged me. I went to everybody else and said hi to them or gave them a hug. We were all laughing and. talking until the bell rang.


The bell rang and everybody went their separate ways. I went to Gym class and Mr.Brown was waiting for us to come in.
"Okay class I want you all to change into your gym clothes and then we are going to run 20 laps." Great. Just great. I went to my locker and grabbed my gym clothes and went to the bathroom to change. When I was done changing I put my dress and flats I my locker and grabbed my shoes and socks put them on and started running my 20 laps. While I was on my 16th lap and I saw Michael laughing and he was with his friends. I was trying my best to hide- too late.
"Hey look it's the slut." Michael said. I tried running away but he caught up to me and started pulling me by my hair.
"L-let me go." I said. That only made it worse. He pulled my hair harder and he put his mouth close to my ear.
"Let's go for a walk." he whispered in my ear. I tried getting out of his grip but he only made it tighter.
"Let me go!" I yelled. Michael was taking me somewhere and I just wish Luke or Calum was here to save me.
"Let me go!" I yelled harder. Michael punched me hard and put a hand on my mouth so I won't yell anymore. I bit his hand and he let go of me and I ran as fast as I could running away from him and the school. I don't want to be here anymore especially with all the bullying.
Calum's POV
"Mr.Todd, may I please go to the restroom?" I asked.
"Yes you may." he said. I got up and went to the restroom but on my way I ran into someone. Michelle. She was crying and had a bruise on her face.
"Michelle what happened?" I asked worried.
"M-Michael." she stuttered out.
"Where are you fucking bitch?!" I heard a voice say. That voice belongs to the person Michelle just said. Michael. He saw Michelle and started running towards her. When he got to her I punched him and kicked him.
"Leave her the fuck alone!" I yelled. Michael got up and tried to punch me but I blocked him.
"Go away! Leave her alone!" I yelled. Michael gave me a glare and left. I went to Michelle and hugged her tightly.
"It's okay I'm here." I said. Michelle stopped crying and she went to get her clothes and put it in her bag and she left school skipping the rest of course. When Michelle left I went back to class. I saw everybody getting their things ready for the next class.
"Mr.Hood what took you so long?" Mr.Todd asked annoyed.
"Sorry I was helping someone with something." I said. Mr.Todd nodded and I grabbed my things and left to my next class which was Music class. When I got to class I saw Mrs.Annie writing on the board. Everybody else started coming in and took a seat.
"Okay class we are going to do a project where you write about the history of music. You can't do this with a partner it's a solo project." She said. Everybody groaned and then she started with the lesson.


The bell rang and everybody left and I went to the cafeteria and saw Luke sitting down with Ashton,Derek,Caroline, Nathaly, Rosemary and Randy. They all looked at me with worried eyes.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"We haven't seen Michelle but to know we saw her this morning." Derek said.
"I saw she went to the nurse and looks like she was sick and so I guess the nurse sent her home." I lied. Luke looked at me suspiciously and told me we will talk later. I nodded and sat down and I saw Michael coming in. Michael passed by me and gave me a glare. I got up and excused myself and said I'm going to the bathroom and Luke said the same thing. We got to the bathroom and Luke raised an eyebrow at me.
"I know your hiding something. I know when you lie. You know what happened to Michelle. Tell me I'm worried about my baby girl." Luke said. I know that Luke will find out eventually so might as well tell him now. I took a deep breath and said everything fast.
"DuringMichelle'sgymclassMichaelsawherandsheranawayfromhimbuthepunchedherandshebithishandshebumpedintomeandIpunchedMichaelyellingathimandheleftafterthat." I said not being able to catch my breath.
"What?" He asked confused.
"During Michelle's gym class Michael saw her and she ran away from him but he punched her and covered her mouth. Michelle bit his hand and ran away again and bumped into me and Michael came running after her. I punched Michael and yelled at him to get away from her and he got up and left." I explained slower. Luke got mad and put his hands into a fist.
"That mother fucker. Michael is going to get beat up." he said angry.
"Calm down Luke. Don't do it then Michelle will get hurt more by Michael. Just leave it." I said. Luke calmed down and sighed.
"I just want to be there when she is getting hurt. I need to protect her." He said.
"Just calm down and visit her after school to see if she is okay." I said. Luke nodded and we left the bathroom. We went back to the cafeteria and saw Ashton wasn't at the table.
"Where did Ashton go?" Luke asked.
"Got a call from Michelle's older brother, Jesus." Nathaly said.
"Okay well how has the day been for everyone?" I asked. They all responded with a 'okay I guess.' Ashton soon came back with tears on his face.
"Ash are you okay?" Nathaly asked. Ashton shook his head.
"What did Jesus tell you?" Luke asked worriedly. Ashton looked up at us and his eyes were so red I guess it's obviously something about Michelle.
"H-he told me..." Ashton said but then stopped and cried more.
"Told you what?" I asked.
"M-Michelle is in the h-hospital."

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