"Kindly grab me a latte with 2 shots of expresso, no sugar" he said and I looked at him confused. That's it?

"W-What?" I asked confused and he finally dragged his eyes off the screen and gave me a warning look, which was more than enough for me to scurry out of his office.

I guess he'll fire me after I get his latte?

Rushing back to the elevator I pressed on the button and waited for a couple minutes but it was taking too long so I went for the stairs. Lucky for me I knew where the Cafeteria was, 25th floor and I was on the 35th floor right now. 10 floors, no big deal.

Not wasting another second I rushed down the stairs, almost tripping a few times but soon I finally made it to the cafeteria.

It wasn't so busy so I didn't had to wait in a line and direct got the latte Mr Knight asked for. Atleast I rememberd the order.

Rushing back I decided to take the elevator, because climbing down the stairs is 10 times easier than climbing up.

Reaching the elevator I saw the sign 'OUT OF ORDER' but it was working just a while ago. That's it, I'm done for, today's not my day.

Running for the stairs I began climbing them up as fast as I could, ignoring the shooting pain in my chest with the shortness of breath, and with the amount of food I been having I can't say I'm at all in a good shape.

I couldn't feel my legs by the time I reached the top floor. My hair was all over the place, the little bit of make-up I had on was now probably fading and I was all sweaty and out of breath. Not my idea of professional.

Lazily knocking on the door I walked in, I don't even know if he allowed me to come in since I couldn't hear a thing with the ringing in my ears so loud.

"25 minutes for a coffee?" His voice sounded so distant and muffled and I blinked my eyes a couple times to have a clearer view, but nothing helped.

"Ms. Miller?" His voice was somewhat louder this time.

"I-the stairs were out of order" I mumbled trying to catch my breath before I pass out.

I saw Mr. Knight shoot out of his chair and rush towards me, and with my vision going blurry I couldn't tell if he looked worried or furious. But my money was on furious.

I felt his firm hold on my arms before he quickly dragged me towards the chair and sat me down, I could see his lips moving but the ringing in my ears wouldn't let me hear him.

After a couple of minutes when I got my hearing back and the rest of my senses came back to me I could clearly see him staring at me with his emerald green eyes filled with worry.

"Drink this" he said before placing the mouth of a cold water bottle against my lips and I slowly swallowed the water, letting it calm my burning lungs.

"I'm sorry" I mumble, my face going red in embarrassment.

He let out a sigh before standing back up and fixing his suit jacket.

"Take good care of yourself Ms Miller, I don't like when my employees are slacking in their duties, especially you" he said and I slightly frowned.

"Me?" I asked and he cleared his throat going back to his seat.

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