74 - Mind Control

Start from the beginning

It was almost as if she could smell them. Finally getting on despite all of the hatred and resentment that lingered in the background. It truly seems like all Charlotte cared for was making Harlow miserable. She would appear at the worst of times, acting as a reminder for every fucked up thing Joseph did. Her presence reminded Harlow of everything she lost when she was first taken by Hydra.
As a result of the woman, Harlow's decent mood soured. Usually when faced with her adoptive mother, Harlow would send her a snide remark before vanishing as quick as she could. Not this time.

Charlotte was being her usual rude self. Making fun of Harlow. Mocking Harlow endlessly about anything to do with Hydra. "It's almost alarming how easily Hydra recaptured you." She commented, aiming to strike the nerve in Harlow. To Charlotte the one thing she strived for was to help Hydra create their perfect soldier. It was the one thing she wanted in life. She grew a resentment when Harlow fucked that up for her when she escaped. Ever since then she vowed to do whatever it took to complete their mission. She believed harsh criticism coming from a mother figure would force Harlow to work harder to prove her wrong.

Harlow had her own hatred for the woman. She couldn't understand how anyone could be so manipulative and cruel. Compared to Joseph, Charlotte was the perfect candidate for being a Hydra worker. All she cared about was her own personal gain. "The alarming thing should be that I escaped. That Hydra is too incompetent to do anything important." Harlow retorted, tilting her head slightly to one side as she glared at the woman.

The woman raised an eyebrow, surprised by the girl engagement. A humorous laugh fell from her lips as her eyes scanned the girls face. "At that time we just valued The Winter Soldier more." She quipped, a fake smile forming on her lips.

Harlow narrowed her eyes, "Even I know that's not true." She scoffed loudly, shaking her head lightly in disbelief, "He was the only one that you could control." She added, knowing it was the real reason that Hydra prioritised keeping him rather than fighting to keep her.

Charlotte forced a puff of air out of her noise. "You really think that's why?" She rhetorically asked, taking a step towards Harlow. "We knew if we lost him, we wouldn't get him back. He's a lot smarter than you. He's a lot more capable at surviving on his own."

Harlow couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes. "You are kidding me right?" She immediately responded her tone filled with irritation as she felt her blood start to heat up. "You do realise that I'm an Avenger right?"

Charlotte simply nodded her head, not even offering the girl a reply with words. Until an idea sparked in her head. "You seem awful silent Agent Kent." She spat, grabbing his shoulder. "Might you have something to add to this discussion?"

Harlow stepped forward, grabbing the woman hand, squeezing it tightly as she forcibly removed it from Joseph's shoulder. "Watch yourself." Harlow warned, in a dangerously low tone, clenching her jaw as she released the woman's wrist reluctantly.

"We waited." Charlotte told her, pausing for dramatic effect. "We waited until you had something to loose. Until you showed your powers. We had to be prepared to stop you from using your powers against us and we also had to have leverage and grief." She continued, stepping closer once again. "We waited so we could twist you into our perfect soldier."

Harlow digested her words for a minute, swallowing deeply as she did so. Silence erupted in the room and Joseph didn't know what to do. He had learnt from previous occasions that it was best for him to stay quite during their fights. That and the fact that's he's a coward. He felt Harlow's eyes drifting to his, looking for some kind of reassurance or a sign to support what she did. "You're lying." She claimed in denial, her breathing starting to quicken as she rethought everything since her escape. If what Charlotte said was true then that meant that Harlow had never really cut ties with them. They were always thinking about her, planning their great project. It meant Harlow wasn't as independent or witty as she thought she was. A large part of her was filled with endless amounts of pride since she managed to outsmart Hydra. "That's not true!"

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