CH 2| On Death's bed

Start from the beginning

"...I guess. and we have nothing else to do anyway."

after that, he ate some more grass and jumped into my arms. "I know that you might not like it, but it's better for us so that we won't freeze" he said as his inside started to move again, generating heat.

"...fine. surviving is what's important right now" despite saying that, I didn't acctualy mind holding him. in fact, I quite liked it especially when he started to generate heat.... it all feels very comfortable, warm (I knew I repeated that a lot but my vocabulary is a bit small) and in way, both caring and protective.

I didn't notice that at the time, but I held Rimuru closer to me and blushed a bit.


"Thank you Rimuru" I heard that. I only pretended to be asleep, I woke up a while before her. the reason why I pretended to be asleep is to not disturb her sleep, and kept pretending to be asleep even when she woke up so I won't discomfort her.

I know that if she knew that I was awake, she would move without me being close to her, leading to her to get cold. she will say that she's fine and she doesn't need my help, but she would only be hurting her self.

"Hm.... Good morning Luminous. I didn't know that vampires needed to drink water" I say pretending to have just woken up. (reason it doesn't sound like how a real person who just woke up: Rimuru is bad at lying)

<<...Master needs to work on his acting skills>>
'Hey! am don't like lying, I think it leads to bad relations. anyway it was good enough I think.' 

"They don't, but it seems that this new spice [Lesser Vampire] which looks to be even weaker than a [Fledgling Vampire] needs water, and am also guessing food since am feeling hunger. and I hunger for normal food, not just blood."

I already knew all of that, how? Great sage told me. and that's also the reason I woke up.

~Flash Back~

<<Master, wake up. I have just discovered somethings. you must know them.>>
'*yawn* why are you waking me?... am tired.. let me sleep a bit more..' (see? that's how actual people act when they wake up)

<<This is very important! you must hear, otherwise you might die!>> when she said that I might die, I jolted up... well, not really since I didn't want to wake up Luminous.

'what is it? and why I might die if I didn't hear it? and pleas don't scare me like this again!'

<<I have done a deep analysis on both Luminous and Master, and found out that their spices - which I was only able to know the name of before- need both food and water. which is due being not completely 'monster', in other words, not completely made out off magicule. hence needing food and water to survive>>

she said to, which surprised me a lot. 'I might understand it if it was just Luminous, but me as well? and why did it take you that long to make a complete analysis? usually it would at most take you few minutes to complete an analysis, not a few hours'

<<Slimes usually don't need to eat because they absorb the energy needed to survive from their surroundings. but it looks like [Lesser Slimes]  have a very weak and slow absorption rate, which forces them to eat and drink. it's similar for Luminous.
As for the slow analysis. as I said before, I needed to sacrifice both Master's and Luminous's power to save them from being erased from time. but I was barely able to save myself and [Predator]. but I also needed to sacrifice most of our power as well. that's why despite being Unique skill, we have power comparable to that of weak/mediocre Extra skills.>>

Vampire and slime back in time [Rimuru X Luminous]Where stories live. Discover now