Teasing with the Kaito's

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I was scrolling through my notes last night and found these I wrote awile back and thought "I should just post these" so here we are. These were influenced by a HC request I made on tumblr awile back about how WxS, VBS and L/N Kaito would react to being teased by Y/N, and I liked it a lot so I decided to write my own too. Enjoy this snack whilst I attempt to finish some stuff~


This man is so reliable and always willing to try his best to help everyone anyway he can. Like a big brother... or a parent. Although he insists that everyone calls him "big bro" over "mommy" or "daddy". He's not that old, sheesh. Besides, being called "mommy" is just a bit strange to him...

"Mommy Mommy Mommy!!!!" Miku yelled, jumping onto Kaito's back, shaking his shoulders.

"Eh? M-Miku?" The blue man almost toppled over from the sudden attack but managed to save himself. As Miku continued her mantra of "Mommy"'s, Kaito desperately looked around for any sort of hint as to what was happening. He spotted Tsukasa and you stood not too far away, an expression of guilt on Tsukasa's face and one of humour on yours.
"W-What did you guys tell Miku?"

Tsukasa explained that he thought the way Miku adressed Kaito was too informal and how she  suddenly ran off, screaming mommy. He apologised to Kaito profusely whilst you stood there, amusement spread across your face. After the whole ordeal was sorted out, you pulled Kaito away.

"Oh, did you still need something, Y/n-chan?" He asked, with his usual, handsome smile.

"Nah, I just wanted to say that "Mommy" doesn't suit you at all, Kaito-san," you said with a sly chuckle. Kaito's smile was replaced with a look of confusion. His cheeks tinted pink as you leant your face closer to his. You placed your hands on his chest and whispered into his ear.
"I think daddy suits you much better, hm?" Your sultry voice rang in his ears, the nickname and the suggestive tone were the only things running through his mind. The troupe leaders blush deepened as he began to stutter out random giberish. His mind was moving to fast for him to keep up with and his body began to sway.

"Ah, Kaito-san! Did I break you?! I'm sorry! Hey, K-Kaito-san please don't faint! AHHHHHHH!"  You screamed as Kaito fell onto you, knocking the both of you onto the ground.


"Oya? Did anyone else hear Y/n-kun scream from far away just now?" Rui questioned, looking up from whatever he was doing.

"Yeah I did, I did! Do you think she's in trouble?! Oh nooooo!!!!" Rin yelled in a panicked voice. Len grabbed his twins arm to calm her down.

"Hey I'm sure she's fine, let's go look for her!"

They found you and Kaito passed out on the ground, Kaito sprawled across you redfaced and steam rising from his overloaded head.

Silly little fellow I love him so so so much wahahhahqhhwh 🥰🥰🥰

"Nee, Kaito-san! That outfit looks amazing on you!" You exclaimed, grabbing said DJ's arm and hugging him. The blue haired idiot beamed at you excitedly.

"Y/n-chan, thank you! Akito-kun helped me pick it out. I never knew how knowledgeable he was in fashion, it's amazing. Apparently he works in a clothing store too! Oh, and-"
You just smiled and nodded as he rambled on and on about how awesome he thought Akito's fashion sense was. Eventually he realised he was being too chatty and apologised.

"No it's okay, Kaito-san. I love listening to you talk. It's cute," You smiled, causing him to blush lightly. "However, as nice as that outfit is, I think it would look better on the bedroom floor, hehe." You sent him a sly wink for extra credit.

Kaito's response to your flirting was not the one you were hoping for, however.

"But Y/n-chaaaaan!!!! The floor's all dirty and this is all nice and clean! And what do you mean, better? Meanie." He furrowed eyebrows and pouted like a little kid, arms crossed. You couldn't help the exasperated look from appearing on your face. You cupped his cheeks, squishing them together and turned his face towards yours.

"Noooo, Kaito-san. Why are such an idiot? I didn't mean it in a mean way, I was flirting with you, silly."

"F-flirting?" You didn't know whether to be amused or annoyed at his oblivious nature.

"Yeah, cause if your clothes are on the floor, then what are you wearing? Nothing! I was saying I wanna see you naked." He sat there for a moment, feeling dumbfounded before his whole face burst a deep shade of red. He grabbed your shoulders and looked into your eyes, his mouth opening and closing. Like a fish.

"Why do you wanna see me naked?! (Y/n)-Chan?!"
At this point you may as well just give up.


Spoiler alert: He didn't know what sex was, you had to teach him.

He's more a hands on kinda learner too. ;)

Sweetest boy so smol so tiny little guy

"Hey, Kaito!" You smiled gently, approaching the shy boy with a wave as he tuned his guitar in the main classroom. His head snapped up and his bright blue eyes met your own, cheeks dusted a light pink.

"Um- Hi."

You chuckled at his short, quiet response. He was too cute. Looking over towards your band mates, Saki gave you a thumbs up whilst Shiho and Ichika sweatdropped, thinking you were a moron. Honami just smiled kindly at you. Returning Saki's thumbs up, you took a deep breath, motioning to the guitar case on your back.

"I was thinking about going to practice in another room, you wanna come? It'll just be us two. Alone. Together."

He sat quietly staring at you for a moment, before getting up and speeding towards the door, face lit up a bright shade of red. You ran ahead to try and catch up to him, calling out his name. However, he only sped up, attempting to run away. You caught up to him and gently grabbed his arm, pulling him to a halt.

"Hey what's up? Did I upset you with what I said?" You questioned, feeling worried you had indeed made him uncomfortable. He shy'd away from you, looking at the ground as a way to avoid you.

"Uh ummm it's just... umm W-what you said... you shouldn't... say things like umm... like that... It g-gives a bad impression..." Kaito whispered, his face somehow getting hotter and hotter. You chuckled and crouched down a bit, hoping to get into his veiw. His eyes flickered up to meet yours with his head staying low.

"Well, what kind of impression did I give?" You you asked, a small smirk tugging your lips.

"...A...A n-naughty one... y'know..." Kaito mumbled, voice barely audible as he brought his hands to his face in embarrassment. Your smirk only grew larger.

"What if that was what I was hoping for?" You couldn't hold back the teasing tone in your voice as you stepped even closer to the shy boy, your face only inches away from his. His face scrunched up in embarrassment and he turned to run away, locking himself in a nearby, empty classroom. You heard a strained groan from behind the door and loud bang as (you guessed) he slammed his head against it. You chuckled to yourself, happy with how flustered he had become.

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