Tsukasa X M!reader

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Fuck you. Who requested this again? Uhhh idk anyway. Sorry this took so long again. I am such a bad writer. My motivation is like, non existent at this point, not even gonna lie. But WOOO having this done feels good. Next update will also be a decade later, have fun waiting 😘💅

"Okay, let's wrap today's rehearsal up here. The sun's about to set." Rui called out causing Emu to pout and whine about how unfair she thought that was.

"I think I'm gonna stay behind to practice my lines some more." You said, watching as the others got ready to leave.

"You sure, Y/N-Kun? Like Rui said, it's getting dark soon. Besides we'll be back tomorrow." Nene asked, slinging her bag over her shoulders. You nodded with a smile, assuring her that you'd be fine. Shrugging, she waved bye and ran off to catch up with Emu, who had sped off somewhere. Both Rui and Tsukasa bid you farewell and left behind the two girls, but not before Rui could remind you to take care of yourself and to not stay too late.
Smiling, you waved the boys off and got back to rehearsing.

Tsukasa stuffed his hands into his pockets, immediately noticing something was missing. His keys weren't there. He began to frantically pat himself down, searching every part of himself before coming to the realisation that he must've dropped them somewhere near the stage. He groaned dramatically and turned back to collect them. Good thing he noticed before he got too far.

Tsukasa had approached the entrance of the wonder stage when the sound of your low voice reached his ears. He came to a standstill and watched you practice alone, enthralled by your performance. Even though he had staged many shows with you and acknowledged your talent as an actor, he had never just stopped to watch you perform by yourself. He couldn't take his eyes off of you and the way you moved across the stage so gracefully, your deep voice radiating confidence. 'He's so talented. I'm glad he's with us and not the Phoenix stage' he thought to himself, a small smile making it's way onto his lips. He continued to watch you practice, forgetting the reason he even came back in the first place. The longer he watched, he began to notice that something was becoming a little strange.

You started to move across the stage sluggishly and your words began to slur. Tsukasa felt that something was wrong and dashed out towards the stage just in time to catch you as you fell off the edge.

Your vision turned black and for a few moments you didn't feel like yourself. You felt yourself fall into something warm and firm. As your vision began to clear up and your senses returned you noticed the warmth was coming from another person.
Looking up, your eyes met with a pair of golden ones.

"Tsu-Tsukasa-senpai! I- You saved me... Thanks." Your voice trembled, face flushed in embarrassment. Tsukasa's worried gaze turned into one of relief once he realised you were okay.

"Hahaha, of course! What kind of star would I be if I just let you get hurt? I'm glad I managed to catch you in time." The blonde star gave you a closed eye smile and you felt your heart flip. It was when he stood up and carried you bridal style towards one of the audience benches did you remember that he still had you in his arms.

"Ah, Tsukasa-senpai! Y-you can put me down now, I feel fine!" As soon as the words left your mouth you felt a sudden wave of tiredness wash over your body and your vision darked for a few seconds once again.

"You don't look fine to me," He gently placed you down on the bench and reached into his bag to pull out his water bottle. "Here, drink some of this." You tried your best not to think about how Tsukasa was drinking from this same bottle not to long ago as you sipped on the water. Whilst you drank, Tsukasa placed his hand on your forehead and a huge blush urupted on your cheeks.
"You don't seem to have a fever... But your face is bright red? Are you feeling okay? What's the matter? Y/N-Kun?"

"YEAH! I'm feeling better now, Tsukasa-senpai," You shouted, blush deeping. "Thank you, but I think I should go home now." Standing up, you walked towards the stage and grabbed you bag before heading towards the exit

"Wait! Let me walk you home, Y/n-Kun. Don't want you fainting on me again." He teased, linking his arm with yours. You ft ready to pass out again from how warm your face was getting. You began to protest, saying you could get home fine however, those protests were ignored as Tsukasa lead towards your house.

Eventually, the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, arms still linked and bodies close as you walked through the streets. Your heart leaped in your chest when you stole a quick glace towards Tsukasa. That quick glace soon turned into full blown staring as you admired his handsome features and sparking golden eyes in the light of the setting sun. Lost in your daydreams, you didn't notice you had arrived home until Tsukasa nudged you.

"Hey! We're here." He spoke loudly and removed his arm from yours(hesitantly).

"Ah- y-yeah... Thanks for walking me home, Tsukasa-senpai." Quickly waving goodbye, you dashed into your house and slammed the door, hoping he didn't notice your disappointment at having to part ways.

Sighing, Tsukasa stared at your door before turning to make his way home. 'I should have hugged him or something.' Groaning loudly, he stuffed his hands into his pockets and beat himself up for not trying to get closer with you.

Then he remembered, his pockets were missing something.


Le fin.


Tsukasa walked into school looking more drained than ever after yesterday. He had to trek all the way back to the stage to fetch his keys before walking all the way back home. Only to find out that door was unlocked anyway. And that even if he forgot his keys, his family was home.

Your "thank you" lunch you made for him brought back his huge smile and boisterous laughter. He named it "Prince Y/n's special healing luncheon".

Vocaloid/Puroseka OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt