Chapter 7

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Darwin walks into gorilla and everyone is looking at him in shock. he hands the title to a stunned triple h.

he walks to his locker room and grabs his stuff. he starts walking to his car. he puts his stuff in the car when people start walking over to him. becky and finn trying to stop them.

a few of them get past. one being mick foley. foley gets to darwin and pins him to his car. darwin punches him getting out of his grip. they continue to fight until darwin picks up a pipe, he points it at all of them.


they all slowly back away as darwin walks towards them. he opens the door to his car. he climbs in and starts the car. he drops the pipe then starts driving away.

he doesn't drive to the hotel instead he starts driving to atlanta.

[in atlanta]

darwin has driven to Atlanta georgia. he's driven to his home.

 he's driven to his home

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he parks in the garage. he pulls the garage door down and locks it from the inside. he opens the door leading into the actual house.

he walks to the kitchen and sits down. he pulls his phone out and sees loads of messages and missed calls from people, some worried and some calling him every name under the sun.

he turns his phone fully off and puts it down. he sits in the living room. he sits on the couch then turns the tv on, he flips through the channels. he finds nothing interest, he puts neflix on and finds a random film.

he starts to feel hungry but doesn't want to cook anything so he goes to the kitchen and grabs his phone. he turns it on and orders a pizza then turns it off again.

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