Chapter 2

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*the next week*

Michael: welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome to friday night smackdown. last week we saw the debut of the youngest rhodes brother, darwin rhodes.

Corey: i have been in the ring with darwin and he isn't someone you should piss off or take lightly.

Michael: well later tonight we will here from the man himself Darwin Rhodes.

*later that night*

lillian Garcia: ladies and gentleman please welcome to the ring, the new united states champion. Darwin Rhodes!!!!!

when the lyrics kick in he walks out. he walks down to the ring just as slow as he did last week.

he gets in the ring. he climbs to the second rope. a camera man comes close to him. he leans down and looks at the camera. he removes his mask and smirks.

he gets down off the ropes and gets a mic. he unbuckles his jacket so the championship is on show.

his music stops and he looks around. he smiles then raises his mic and speaks.

Darwin: so, what do you want to talk about?

the fans cheer upon hearing his voice.

Darwin: last week i made my shocking debut and won this bad boy.

he pulls the sides of his jacket a bit so there was a good shot of his championship.

Darwin: i unlike many before me, i didn't have an easy ride here to the WWE. for those of you who don't know who i am, let me explain it to you. i'm 'the hawk' Darwin Rhodes and i'm the son of 'the american dream' dusty rhodes, brother of 'the natural' goldust/dustin rhodes and 'the american nightmare' cody rhodes.

the crowd cheer at the names.

Darwin: unlike my brothers who after training went straight to well known companies or well known indie promotion i started on the less known ones and then the known ones. i did that for 10 years and now i have finally come to the WWE.

the crowd cheers again. the crowd start chanting 'hawk'. darwin starts speaking again.

Darwin: that's enough about my past, we are in the here and now. so i'm offering an open challenge for my championship to anyone other than aj styles.

the OC theme hits and they walk to the ring.

Darwin: aj did you not hear what i said? i said anyone other than you, you are clearly just as stupid as your hair looks.

the crowd laughs and aj speak.

Aj: well you never said anything about one of these 2.

Darwin: i didn't but if i face 1 of you, the other 2 aren't allowed ringside.

Aj: you got this Gallows

aj and anderson leave the ring and walk to the back. darwin takes his jacket off and throws it out the ring. he takes the title from around his waist and hands it to the ref.

the ref lifts it up. he hands the title to one of the ringside crew.


the bell rings. gallows and darwin lock up. darwin knees gallows in the mid section gaining the upper hand.

*end of the match*

darwin drop kicks gallows in the knee, he falls to the floor. gallows gets up and darwin hits the sling blade.

he drags him to the corner and climbs to the top. he stands up and hits the moonsault double foot stomp. he pins him.

ref:1...2...3, RING THE BELL!!!

the bell rings and the ref hands him his title

Lillian: here is you winner and still the united states champion, DARWIN RHOOODES!!!

his brothers come out and hug him. he hugs back. he raises the title above his head. his smile fades and a pissed off look replaces it.

cody puts his hand on darwin's shoulder. darwin hits cody with a pele-kick

he stands up looking at the ground, then goldust.

goldust: darwin?! why did you do that?!

darwin smirks then hits goldust with a superkick. goldust doesn't go down so darwin hits him with an elevated knee strike.

*first one in the video*

he drags him to the corner. he climbs to the top. he hits the moonsault double foot stomp.

he drags cody to another corner and does it again. he stands there looking down at cody. he picks up his title and raises it in the air.

Michael: what has he just done?!

Corey: He just betrayed his brothers!

darwin leaves the ring slowly walking backwards up the ramp. he gets to the backstage area. he gets looks of shock and disgust from everyone. he just walks passed not saying a word or even looking at them for that matter.

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