Chapter 4

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*monday night raw* *begining of the show*

Jerry Lawler: welcome to monday night raw, i'm joined by my good friend JR Jim Ross (i had to use king and jr)

Jr: what an amazing atmosphere here tonight king, tonight we are starting with an important announcement by triple h. wonder what it is

Jerry: what ever it is, i'm excited to hear about it.

hunter walks out to an abundance of cheers. he has a mic in hand and walks down to the ring. he steps inside.

Hunter: i'm going to get straight to the point. last week backstage on smackdo-

the miz walks out with his goons bo dallas and curtis axel. they walks down to the ring. they get in and miz gets a mic.

Miz: hunter, we don't care about smackdown.

the crowd cheers.

Miz: what i care about is why that this has to do with this massive announcement you have

Hunter: if you quit flapping your gums i can tell you.

the miz looks pissed but shuts up.

Hunter: as i was saying. last week after smackdown there was a fight backstage between the tag team champions Cody and Goldust and their brother Darwin.

the crowd boo.

Hunter: due to this we have decided to make a swap between 2 superstars. Darwin come out here.

he walks out like he did on friday. he walks down to the ring. he stops at the bottom of the ramp and looks around. he walks up the step and gets in the ring with a mic.

Hunter: if you couldn't tell Miz, you are being traded to Smackdown.

the fans cheer.

Hunter: but, before you go you must switch titles.

they look at each other. Darwin raises his mic.

Darwin: i'd muc-



the crowd cheer.

Darwin: you are like a pair of those annoying chattering teath. if you had allowed me to finish which is clearly something maryse isn't allowing you to do


Darwin: i was going to say, i'd much rather keep my united states title.

he takes it from around his waist and puts it over his shoulder. under his mask he's smirking.

Miz: how dare you? you are only in the WWE because of your dad

Darwin: at least i'm not kept relevant by my wife who is way more talented than me.

Miz: at least i still have mine

miz smirks.

Darwin: hunter

Darwin removes his mask not breaking eye contact with the miz.

Darwin: i want a match with The Miz right now.

Miz's smirks quickly fades.

Hunter: get a ref out here

a ref run out and slides into the ring. they put their titles in the corner. Miz looks at Darwin.

Darwin removes his jacket not looking away from Miz. he tosses his jacket to the outside. the ref rings the bell.

Miz runs at Darwin but he hits him with a big boot to the face. he pins him in the corner.

Darwin: YOU WANNA BRING UP JEMMA(ex-wife)?!

he tosses Miz half way across the ring.

Jr: i've seen what this kid can do when he is angry, miz is about to find out what he can do first hand.

Jerry: if it's more stuff like that i fear for Miz's life.

*end of the match*

Miz is on the outside with Bo dallas and Curtis axel. Darwin is in the ring. he runs at the ropes and springs off them. as he gets to the side the others are on he jumps over the top rope hitting a tope con hilo without touching the ropes.

he lands on his feet. he throws Miz back into the ring and slide in. Darwin drags him to the corner. he clims to the top hitting a moonsault double foot stomp. he pins him.

ref: 1...2...3, RING THE BELL

Kayla Braxton: here is you winner, the united states champion. DARWIN RHOOODES!!!!

he gets up and the ref hands him his title. he raises it above his head. he looks down at The Miz and smirks. he exits the ring and puts his title over his shoulder. he walks to the back.

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