Chapter 1

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The voice echoed throughout the family house as an appalled guy can be seen standing in front of two elderly couple at the center of the house, looking dejected. His chest moved up and down as he couldn't believe what he just heard, he's lowkey panicking. 

"Why are you sending me? I have classes to attend tomorrow, not to mention I need to prepare a lesson plan for next month!" reasoned the clearly agitated guy.

"It's only for one night, and you can relax. Take your mind off of your work for the time being." Said Jungwons Grandfather with a smile.

"Maybe, you can find your "The One" when you attend their party" said Jungwons Grandmother as she teased the latter with her smile and winks. Jungwon sighed and saw the invitation on the center table. 

"But I was not the one they've invited! It's you!" said Jungwon as he took the invitation letter for the party this evening and showed it to his grandparents. 

"It says Mr. and Mrs. Yang-" Jungwon stopped as he read "The Yang Family"... busting his only excuse not to attend. 

"Now, you don't want the Royal Family waiting for you. We've been acquainted for generations, it would be unwise to turn away their invitation" said Jungwons Grandmother. 

"B-But, This is-" before Jungwon could protest, her grandparents waved at their butler to take Jungwon away and help him get ready for the party. 

It was the 15th Birthday of the Son and Daughter of the current King, King Park JeongSeong and Late Queen Taeyeon. All of the most influential family and close acquaintance of the Royal family were invited. Queen Taeyeon passed away a month after the birth of the twins, leaving the Royal Family without a Queen, and most importantly, leaving the two kids without a mother. 

As the family of Yang and the Royal family goes millennia's back, they are automatically invited. 

The car ride was quiet, as the forced man was sitting inside the limo, he looks outside to gaze at the night scenery as they pass by the woods. It was calming, ethereal, but it's ephemeral beauty cannot be denied. 

Jungwon felt the limo slowly coming to a stop. He fixed his clothes to look even more presentable and smiled. As the doors were opened, flashes of lights blinded the latter as countless media personnel captured their shots towards the youngest member of the Yang Family. 

Since Interviews are not allowed by the Royal Family, the media personnel can only take photos. Jungwon smiled and waved before entering the palace. The interior design was exquisite, seeing as the invited people holds the most power in their kingdom, Jungwon couldn't help but feel left out. 

All of the families invited were well-versed in business, some of them have businesses worldwide, and some of their heirs and heiress has been handling their business since they were teenagers. Jungwon couldn't help but feel inferior to those around him as he's just a teacher. 

Since in their kingdom, being a teacher is looked down on. These people from prominent families doesn't realize the importance of being a teacher. Because if it wasn't for teachers, their child, even themselves and their parents wouldn't be where they are if it wasn't for educators. 

"Teacher Won?" Jungwon flicked his head towards the direction of the voice. 

"Sunoo-ya, Happy Birthday! You look beautiful! Where's Joy?" Bid and asked Jungwon as he waved at his student. 

"She's still getting ready. But Teacher Won, you look very handsome tonight" complimented Sunoo as he took his teachers hand, walking him around the venue.

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