Episode 11

578 58 23

Fix everything

Advait comes forward frees Nikhil from Ekam's clenches and pulls Ekam's collar asking, "How dare you keep your hands on my brother?" Ekam angrily reciprocates Advait's action by pulling the latter's collar and asks in a loud tone, "Do you know what your brother was trying to do with my sister?" Advait, "First ask your sister to stay away from my brother. Surely there is some fault with her character that she fell in love with a married man!!" Ekam punches Advait hard on his face growling, "How dare you question my sister's character?" The latter falls down spitting blood from his mouth. He wipes his mouth with his hand, gets up and punches Ekam in his stomach shouting, "And how dare you hurt my brother?" The two men ensue in a very violent brawl punching and kicking each other while blaming each other's siblings for the mess. Nikhil and Mallika try to stop their respective brothers and after a few minutes of struggle finally succeed in pulling the two men apart. The two still continue to curse each other even when they were held apart by their siblings. Nikhil to Advait, "Veere what are you doing? Why are you fighting with Ekam?" while Mallika sobs to Ekam, "Bhai please leave them!! Let's just go from here!!!" Eventually, both Ekam and Advait give in to their siblings' whines and stop their tussle. Ekam turns around holding Mallika's hand and is about to leave but he stops himself and turns again towards Advait and Nikhil. He then shouts, "Listen Mr. Advait Kapoor!!" Advait looks at him, "Ask your brother to stay away from my sister. If he ever tries to come close to my sister again then you won't see him alive!!" Advait shouts back, "You handle your sister, I will handle my brother!!" Ekam angrily stares at Advait, the latter reciprocates. Soon, Ekam turns and leaves pulling Mallika's hand. Advait glares at Nikhil and says, "Do you need any special invitation to leave from here?" Nikhil is about to say something but Advait puts forth his finger warning him not to say a word. Soon Advait turns around and starts to leave. Nikhil turns around to gaze at Mallika, the latter does the same. Both looked at each other sadly, which was broken when Advait called out to Nikhil asking him to hurry up. Nikhil compliantly followed his brother.

Kapoor House, Living room

Advait angrily dashed into his house shouting out, "Mom, Bua, Nehmat, Naaz....where are you all?" Nikhil meekly came behind his brother. All the women and the servants came running to the living room hearing Advait loud and boisterous call. Rama and Neeru reached first, Nehmat, Naaz and the servants following behind. All were shocked to see the wounded state of the brothers. Rama quickly comes forward and asks them, "What happened to both of you? Did you get into an accident? Why are you both covered with bruises?" Advait angrily, "Mom, ask your beloved little son what happened? He is the one responsible for everything!!" Rama quickly goes towards Nikhil catches his face and asks him, "Nikhil, my child, tell me, tell your Mom what happened to both of you? Who did this with you?" Nikhil feeling ashamed stays silent letting his head down. Rama gets anxious seeing his silence, "Nikhil why are you not saying anything? Tell me what happened and who did this with you?" Advait growing vexed and impatient seeing Nikhil staying still comes forward, pulls Nikhil up catching his collar and says, "Bloody asshole, when you weren't ashamed of doing it then why are you now ashamed to say it out?" All were perplexed to hear Advait's words. Rama tries to pacify Advait and let Nikhil down. She then asks Advait, "Advait you tell us what happened, can't you see we all are getting worried?" Advait clenches his fists, closes his eyes and says, "Mom!! Ekam Randhawa caught your son playing rangrasiya with his sister." All were shocked to hear that. Rama glared angrily at Nikhil, pulled her hand and slapped him hard. All were amazed. Nehmat and Advait felt bad for Nikhil while Naaz smirked.

Randhawa House

Ekam dragged Mallika to her room forcefully and pushed her onto her bed. Mallika fell lying onto the bed weeping. Renuka came running hearing their voices. Seeing Ekam staring crossly at Mallika on bed, she asks him, "What happened Ekam? Where did you find her? And why are you so angry with her?" She then notices his wounds and asks, "How come you are all injured?" Ekam, "Leave about me Mom, watch out what your daughter is doing!!" Renuka confused, "What did she do?" Ekam indignantly "Mom, she has started an illicit affair with that Nikhil Kapoor!!" Renuka's eyes widened in shock. She bangs her head with her hand. Then she frowned at Mallika, pulled her up from the bed and started beating her asking, "How could you do this? How could you do this? Didn't you think about your mother and brother before doing this? Wasn't the black mark on your Dad's name enough that you are bringing us more shame?" Mallika wailing, "Mom, I swear I tried hard to hide my feelings but I'm sorry that I couldn't hold them within me for long!! I fell weak to my emotions." Renuka irritated, "What is there in those Kapoor boys that you first fell for Advait Kapoor and now for his brother?" Mallika, "Mom, Bhai I did not fall for Nikhil seeing his money or status but I fell in love with him because he filled that empty space in my heart which Advait had left." Both Ekam and Renuka were annoyed to hear that. Ekam warns her, "Listen carefully to me Mallika. All that happened between you and Nikhil is over!! Now you will do willingly whatever I ask you to without uttering a word." Mallika weepingly nods. Ekam and Renuka disgustedly leave from there. Mallika falls onto her bed crying.

Kapoor House, Living room

Rama, "Unbelievable Nikhil!!! Wasn't your Dad enough that you are following his footsteps to ruin our family image more?" Nehmat gets annoyed and tries to say something but Neeru stops her pulling her hand. Rama continues, "And what is wrong with you? Wasn't Naaz your choice? Weren't you the one being adamant to marry her? Now what happened? You lost interest in her? So when you lost interest in Naaz, you are trying to find love outside? I'm ashamed to call you my son!!" Nikhil shamefully kept his head down, Nehmat and Advait pitied him while Naaz enjoyed Nikhil getting blasted. Rama continues, "Listen Nikhil, I want you to get things straight into your head. Naaz is your wife and you will rekindle your relationship with her no matter whatever it costs you!!! Understood??" Nikhil submissively nodded his head. Nehmat was saddened with the whole situation; she turned around displeasingly and headed towards her room. Advait sees it and follows her. Neeru bua felt grudged and instigated Rama saying, "Bhabhi your son is becoming a joru ka ghulam!! Didn't you see how he went running behind his wife's back trying to make her up?" Rama gets irked with Neeru's words, stared angrily at her and left the living room. Neeru followed her. After everyone left, only Naaz and Nikhil were left in the room. Nikhil looked up and gave an apologetic expression to Naaz. The latter felt no sympathies for him and left the living room without saying a word. Nikhil felt remorseful for his actions and slowly limped to his room.

Advait and Nehmat's bedroom

Nehmat reaches there and furiously started rearranging the things all over with her back faced to the door. Advait comes there, notices Nehmat and makes out her displeasure with all that just happened. He knocks on the door but Nehmat pays no heed to it. He comes in and is about to catch Nehmat by her shoulder when he remembers their challenge. He lets out a sigh and says, "Nehmat I know that we share no relation of friends or husband and wife until I find the answer to that question. Believe me Nehmat, I was trying to find out the answer for that question when all this happened." Nehmat stops herself for a minute on hearing it. She then moves towards the table and starts rearranging things on it. Advait irritated follows her, "Nehmat can't we talk atleast as acquaintances? I mean as Naaz and Nikhil's elder siblings?" Nehmat furiously turns, "Do you think I want to break Naaz's relationship? Do you think I will try to ruin my sister's life?" Advait was bewildered. Nehmat continues, "In fact I talked to her and tried to make her understand her duties towards Nikhil but she never wanted to comply." Advait blinks in puzzlement. Nehmat went on, "Advait, a husband and wife's relationship will be blissful only when both fulfill their duties towards each other otherwise they will remain unhappy throughout their life. Do you want them to go through what we were going through all this time?" Both were taken aback with what Nehmat last said. Nehmat shakily, "Advait I didn't mean...what I meant was..." Advait catches her hand, "I understood what you meant, now I want to ask you something." Nehmat shakes head in question. Advait continues, "Nehmat just give me one day's time, just one day!! I WILL FIX EVERYTHING!!" Nehmat nods her head in agreement. Advait leaves the room on saying that while Nehmat gets thinking, "I really wish you FIX EVERYTHIN SOON Advait because knowingly or unknowingly all this is affecting OUR RELATIONSHIP!!"


To be continued.

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