Episode 3

1K 91 8

Love me or not?

Nehmat after having quickly washed herself gets ready and stands in front of the mirror to comb her hair saying, "I don't know how I slept so late today? Mom (Advait's mother Rama) must be really angry with me." Then she remembers Rama's words when she had first come to the Kapoor House as her DIL. Rama had instructed Nehmat that even though she became a member of the Kapoor family she will become their DIL in true means only when she makes a place in Advait's heart. She then reminisces her moments with Advait of the previous night, how he professed hisl ove, how he kissed her and how the two became intimate. Unknowingly, a smile passes through Nehmat's face. She gazed at the mirror surprised to find herself smiling. She wondered, "What is wrong with me? Why am I smiling reminiscing of what happened between me and Advait yesterday? I have only loved Ekam all throughout my life but now why is that I don't feel either guilty or upset of getting close with Advait? Is it possible that I have fallen for Advait?" She quickly moves away from the mirror trying to shoo away those thoughts saying,"No no this can't be happening, how can I fall in love with someone other than Ekam? How can I fall in love with someone who is in love with my best friend?"

She then remembers her moments with Advait, Flashback how Nehvait were forcefully bound in a nuptial bond and in the initial days of their marriage how Advait always hated her for destroying his life. At that point, Nehmat remarked that off lately Advait's demeanor towards her had changed a lot. He was being unusually kind towards her in all her moments of despair. When she felt all alone after learning her biological parents' death, it was Advait who held her hand and reassured her that she was not all alone for his family was also hers. It was Advait who helped her to win the hearts of all his family members. Later, it was Advait who revealed Shamsher's hand in Fatejo's murder and confessed how he himself was also involved in many of Shamsher's political crimes. Finally, it was Advait who stood against his own father and sent him to jail to get her and her parents (Fatejo) justice. Flashback ends

Nehmat after coming out of the flashback gets thinking, "In the beginning Advait always hated me for coming into his life but then how come his behavior towards me changed? And why did he do all this for me??? Nehmat recalls Advait's profession of love the previous night. The comb in her hands falls down and she is left awestruck with mouth agape thinking, "Was all that he said really true?Does that mean that his feelings towards me have changed just like mine? I need to talk to Advait." She then realizes that she had not seen Advait since she woke up that morning. She exclaims, "Where is Advait?"

Kapoor House Office Room

Advait is seen walking to and fro inside the room in a tensed mood. Naaz passes by and sees Advait walking back and forth tensely inside the room; she sense something fishy, "What happened to Advait? He doesn't seem to be his usual self; I should stay here and keep an eye on him." Naaz sneaks near the doorstep of the office room and hides carefully without letting Advait notice that she is spying on him. Inside Advait is frustrated and guilt-ridden reminiscing on what had happened between him and Nehmat the previous night.

Flashback, he remembers how he reached their room inebriated and vented out his feelings infront of Nehmat, how he had professed his love for her and how that eventually led them to get intimate. Flashback ends. Advait angrily bangs his fists on the office desk. Naaz gets scared and alerted. Inside, Advait says, "I shouldn'thave....I shouldn't have...." Naaz wonders, "He shouldn't have what?" Advait continues, "I shouldn't have got intimate with Nehmat."

Naaz is shocked, "What? Nehmat and Advait got intimate? But how can that happen? They both don't even love each other." Soon, Naaz's thoughts wander elsewhere, "So does that mean Nehmat will now give birth to the next heir of Kapoor family?" Flashback Naaz had been always upset that it was Advait and not her husband Nikhil who is the heir of the Kapoor family. In addition, ever since Nikhil stepped down from standing in the elections. Naaz has always prevented him from getting intimate with her. She had strictly imposed the condition that they wouldn't get intimate until and unless Nikhil fulfills all her needs and desires. After that, even though Nikhil had always tried his best to get Naaz what she wants, she was never satisfied with all of Nikhil's efforts and that gradually lead Nikhil to drift away from her even without knowledge. Flashback ends. Naaz tells herself, "No I can't let this happen, I can't allow Nehmat to give birth to the next heir of Kapoor family. I should do something!!!" Naaz angrily leaves from there without bothering to listen to Advait anymore.

While, Advait inside was still trying to control his emotions, "Now how will I face Nehmat. I don't have the guts to do it." Suddenly a thought comes to his mind, "Wait a minute, only I was drunk not Nehmat then why didn't she stop me from getting intimate with her?" He then hurtfully touches his chest which was now swollen by the heavy punches made by Nehmat last night. He wonders, "She did try at first but later when I didn't give her a chance, she surrendered." His chest ached with him whining in pain, "Ouch!!" Then, he gets thinking, "Does that mean she loves me or not?" He paces up and down the room once again and finally decides, "If I have to know about Nehmat's feelings then I need to talk to her." Advait starts towards their room.

In the room,

Nehmat looks around for Advait everywhere. She wonders, "Where has he gone? I need to talk to him!" Just then she hears a knock on the door. She feels elated and hurriedly goes towards the door to open it. As she anxiously opens the door,she was disappointed to see Nikhil instead of Advait standing in front of her. Nikhil in a serious tone, "Bhabs, we need to talk."


To be continued.

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