Episode 8

614 70 83

Family first or family reputation first?

Naaz comes to her room and throws the things in anger. To hell to do with the friendship of these two Mallika and Nehmat!! Wasn't the lesson I gave them during the marriage day not enough? That they are now breaking my relationship with Nikhil? No I won't let this happen. I won't allow Mallika to win over my Nikhil easily!! She then quickly takes her purse and goes out. When Rama and Neeru try to stop Naaz and ask her what is the matter and why was she in a hurry? She ignores their queries and hurries outside. Rama and Neeru were astonished to see Naaz's behavior. When they discuss upon it, Nehmat comes there and reveals all that was happening in Naaz and Nikhil's lives. Rama and Neeru were shocked, Rama, "What Nikhil loves Mallika? Is he gone out of his mind?" Nehmat in a low tone, "Both Nikhil and Mallika love each other so isn't it better that we allow them to be together than forcing them to separate from each other?" Neeru slyly, "Of course you will say that after all who else in this house will know the pain of staying separating from their love." Nehmat was embarrassed and was about to reply something to bua when Rama takes the speech, "Listen Nehmat, I have already gone through enough because of you! You manipulated my first son and sent my husband to jail." Nehmat tries to object when Rama does not allow her, "I haven't finished yet Nehmat. Let me make things clearer for you, now I don't want you to interfere in the marital life of my other son too!! It would be best for the family reputation if Nikhil forgets all that he has got for Mallika and continues his marriage with Naaz." Nehmat looks on sadly.

Kapoor & Co. construction site

Nikhil comes there, calls his secretary on phone and asks him to cancel all his meetings for that day as he is in Kapoors construction site for a meeting. His secretary tries to question him, "But which meeting, Sir?" However before he could get an answer Nikhil disconnects the call. He then checks his messages and sees that Mallika has received his voice note. He thinks, "I hope you come Mallika, it is a matter of our whole life."

Moga police station

Ekam is busy going through some files with regard to a case when Naaz comes there. Ekam was surprised to see her, "Naaz you here? Is there something I can help you with?" Naaz tells him that she has come there to register a complaint against someone. Ekam calls a constable and asks him to guide Madam to file a FIR when Naaz stops him telling, "No Ekam I want you yourself to file this case because the person whom I have a complaint against is related to you." Ekam was confused and wondered if Naaz was going to file a complaint against Nehmat. Ekam asks Naaz to take a seat and when they both sit, Ekam asks her, "Now tell me Naaz, how I can help you?" Naaz questions, "In a marriage, if a husband falls in love with another woman whose fault would it be? Wife's or husband's?" Ekam was muddled with that question, however he responds, "It would be the husband's fault because he didn't control his emotions when he knows he is committed to someone else in a relation." Naaz continues to question, "And if a woman falls in love with a married man, whose fault would it be?" Ekam was completely puzzled with Naaz's questions by now and could not understand what Naaz was trying to say, but he again responds, "In such a case both the man and the woman are at fault but the woman would be at a greater mistake because she would be responsible for breaking a marriage and a family." Naaz questions once again, "Then what if that woman is your sister?" Ekam was shocked and asks Naaz, "What nonsense are you saying Naaz? Are you questioning my sister's relationship with Advait. Then mark my words, Mallika would never woo Advait when she herself broke the marriage with him." Naaz continues raising her voice, "Your sister may not woo Advait but she is for sure wooing Advait's brother and my husband, Nikhil." Ekam was taken aback at those words.

Kapoor & Co. construction site

Mallika comes there and calls Nikhil. Nikhil picks up the call and informs Mallika to come to the 7th floor of the building. Mallika looks up the huge under-constructed building and wonders, "God, now what is this Nikhil upto?"

Moga police station

Ekam couldn't believe his ears that his sister would ever woo a married man. He bangs his desk hard shouting, "Stop it Naaz!!!" The other policemen get alerted. He motions the other policemen to continue their work and asks Naaz, "Do you know what you are accusing my sister of?" Naaz angrily asks, "Accusing? Arre you don't know what your sister is doing behind your back!!" Ekam asks, "How are you so sure about it?" Naaz replies, "Because Nikhil himself revealed it to me." Ekam was thunderstruck. He still couldn't believe it. Naaz seeing his confused state says, "If you have doubts then just check on Mallika's recent activities and if you are a real policeman then stop her from committing the crime of breaking my marriage." After saying that Naaz swiftly gets up and leaves while Ekam was lost in thoughts.

Kapoor House, Advait and Nehmat's bedroom

Nehmat is unconsciously folding clothes pondering on what Rama and Neeru said. Advait comes there looking for something and sees Nehmat, "Ah Nehmat you here? I had to come back because I had forgotten to take an important file. Do you know where I kept the file containing the information on upcoming elections? My REPUTATION will be at stake if that file...." before he could complete his sentence. Nehmat angrily shouts at him, "Reputation!! Reputation!! Reputation!! All you think about is your reputation!!" Advait was shocked to see Nehmat's behavior, he tries to pacify her saying, "But I was just..." again Nehmat cuts in saying, "Where was this reputation of yours when you had an extramarital affair?" Advait was taken aback with that question; he tries to justify himself saying "Nehmat why are you bringing up that now? I have long left...." Again without letting Advait explain, Nehmat continues, "Oh yes because for you your affair did not cause an issue for your reputation but my LOVE for Ekam did right?" Advait was completely dumbstruck at those words that he could neither reply nor justify himself. Nehmat continues, "Now you are doing the same with your brother, you can't see your reputation being tarnished if he breaks his marriage but can see him going through the pain of a failed marriage!!!" Nehmat gasps to take breath on saying that; Advait gets concerned and tries to get a glass of water for her. When he comes forward with a glass of water, Nehmat puts forth her hand signing no. She then stares back into Advait's eyes and asks him, "What is more important for you? Your family reputation or your family in itself?" Advait was dumfounded at that question.


To be continued.

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