Episode 9

486 63 3

The challenge

Advait held onto the glass tightly when Nehmat asked him the question, "What was more important? The family in itself or the family reputation?" The man who held onto his reputation as the most valuable asset of his life was now questioned to choose between his reputation and his family. Advait is shaken off his thoughts when Nehmat continues to question him, "You are unable to make a choice right?" Advait asks her, "First of all what kind of question is that?" Nehmat smirked saying, "So you don't have the answer for that question?" Advait looked at her blankly, Nehmat continued, "Ok then I challenge you Advait Kapoor to find the answer for that question." Advait is flabbergasted to hear that. He tries to escape the situation saying, "Listen Nehmat I'm a politician who gives answers for the betterment of this country not an lkg student who gives answers to such silly questions!!" Nehmat, "You find the question silly? Really?" She then points out her index finger at Advait while angrily staring at him and says, "Ok then I challenge you the future MLA Advait Kapoor, until you find the right answer to that question there will be no cordial relation between us neither of friendship nor of husband and wife." Nehmat puts down her finger on saying that. Advait who was pissed off by now after hearing her challenge asks her, "But why do you think I should accept your stupid challenge?" Nehmat, "Because you are the future MLA, Mr. Advait Kapoor, a man who can't take the right decisions for his family will not be able to take the right decisions for his country?" Nehmat angrily stared at him while saying that turned around roughly and left the room while Advait was left watching her from behind with mouth agape.

After Nehmat was out of the vicinity, Advait throws the glass and asks, "What the hell?? Now Advait Kapoor has to find answers to such silly questions? To hell to do with your challenge Nehmat!! He then remembers Nehmat's words, "Until you find the right answer to that question, there will be no cordial relationship between us...." Advait vexed, "Damn it!! After so many hurdles, we became friends and I....(he remembers their intimate night together), I desperately want to confess to you my true feelings and you are stopping me now by giving me such stupid challenges, why??" He then reminisces again over whatever Nehmat had said before putting forth the challenge, "....for you your affair did not cause an issue for your reputation but my love for Ekam did..." Advait wonders, "What did she mean by saying that? Does she mean to say that she still loves Ekam?" He then again remembers his intimate night with Nehmat, "But how could she come close to me when she is in love with Ekam? God I will turn mad in this mess. I will have to find an answer for that question and only Nikhil can help me with that!!! Nikhil and Mallika your issues are causing hindrances in my love life!!"

Kapoor & Co. construction site

Mallika comes up to the 7th floor and sees Nikhil at the edge of the floor, watching the world outside. Mallika comes and stands next to him. Nikhil senses her presence and asks, "So you finally came?" Mallika irritatedly, "Why have you called me here?" Nikhil, "Why have I called you here? As if you don't why would I have called you here after all that happened yesterday!!" Mallika, "I still don't know why have you called me here?" Nikhil turned towards her and catches her shoulders. Mallika gets surprised. Nikhil, "Why did your resign your job? Why are you trying to run away from me?" Mallika frees his hands off her shoulders and tells him. "It's nothing like that Nikhil. I resigned the job because I wanted to look for better opportunities and work outside the country." Nikhil, "Don't lie to me Mallika, I know you too have developed feelings for me and are trying to hide them because I'm married." He then catches her hand and requests her, "Please don't do this!! Please confess your true feelings to me." Mallika taking off her hand from him angrily says, "What will you do if I say I have no feelings for you? Will you jump off from here? Then go ahead jump and give up your life!" Nikhil eyes widen in amazement on hearing that.

Kapoor & Co.

Advait comes there searching for Nikhil. He is about to enter Nikhil's cabin when Nikhil's secretary comes and informs him, "Ah Advait sir you here? Nikhil Sir went to Kapoor & Co. construction site for a meeting." Advait was surprised and asks, "Which meeting is held there?" The secretary confusedly, "Even I do not know, I hadn't noted down any such meetings of Nikhil Sir!! He looked quite disturbed today when he heard the news of our employee Mallika's resignation." Advait thinks, "Mallika resigned? She must be following my instructions and this idiot Nikhil must have gone to meet her. Already these two have complicated my lovelife enough that I have to take up stupid challenges!! Now I won't let them ruin my marriage life anymore. I need to stop them." Advait turns around to leave when the secretary calls him out and stops him saying, "Ah sir there was someone else too who came today to meet Nikhil Sir. I have directed him to Kapoor & Co. construction site." Advait was surprised again and asks, "Who?" The secretary, "Sir, it was Mallika's brother, ACP Ekam Randhawa." Advait was taken aback to hear Ekam's name.


To be continued.

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