Episode 5

704 81 9

Hurdles of a loveless relationship

Nehmat was left aghast to hear Mallika's name from Nikhil's mouth. She then remembered how Mallika had broken their friendship on the day of her marriage misunderstanding her relationship with Advait. She couldn't believe her ears. She never thought that her best-friend would become the reason for the rupture of her sister's marriage. She nervously asks, "Mallika? But does she feel the same way you do for her?" Nikhil sadly looks on.

In the park

Advait irritatedly asks Mallika, "Now will you tell me what the matter is? Why have you called me here urgently to talk? If it is about our relationship which was long done and dusted then as I had said whatever I showed towards you was all fake!" Mallika, "It's nothing to do about you Advait." Advait, "Then what is it about?" Mallika, "It's about your brother." Advait, "Nikhil? What about him?" Mallika clenches her fists closes her eyes and says, "Your brother and me, we have come really close to each other!" Advait not understanding Mallika's words gave a surprised look, "Close to each other? What do you mean?" Mallika, "Advait...Nikhil and me, we love each other!" Advait was appalled to hear that, "What??? What did you say???But how did it all happen?"

Mallika starts by reminiscing her past. Flashback "I was keen to get a job to distract myself from my broken heart and the disturbances in my family i.e. my father's death, my brother's love life etc. When I saw that a job was offered by the Kapoors & Co., I was reluctant to send my resume fearing that I might have to face you. However, I sent it knowing that the company was handled by Nikhil. On the first day of my job, I was amazed to realize that Nikhil shared a common passion with me in fashion designing and this shared interest brought me closer to him. Eventually, I became friends with Nikhil and our friendship strengthened my bonding with Nikhil such that he shared all his pains and troubles of his personal life to me. Gradually, I started recognizing the pain in Nikhil's eyes without him mentioning about it. On one such day, seeing Nikhil coming to the office depressed and worn out after a huge quarrel with Naaz, I decided to comfort him. When I knocked and looked through the door, he was wearily laid back on his chair prohibiting anyone to enter. However, I did not listen to his orders and went inside. Seeing him drowsily lying back on his chair, I gently placed my fingers on the two sides of his forehead and told him, "Relax Nikhil, relax. I know you had a long day with Naaz but don't put her discouraging words to your heart. I'm sure you will establish your identity with your talent in fashion designing and make your whole family proud." On hearing those words, Nikhil slowly opened his eyes and looked towards me. Then, he caught my hand, pulled me forward, held my hand tightly and said, "How could you understand me so well? And how would I have managed myself without you in my life." I was taken aback by those words and for a moment I kept gazing in his deep grey eyes. However, then I quickly took my hands off Nikhil's and hurried outside his cabin." Flashback ends. Mallika to Advait, "That was the first time when I had realized that I had fallen for your brother. The feelings which I once had for you had been now drifted towards your brother." Advait felt disgusted and nauseated to hear it. He growlingly asked her, "Then what happened? Did you start an extra marital affair with my brother?" Mallika looked on.

Kapoor House, Nehmat and Advait's bedroom

Nehmat to Nikhil, "Does Mallika reciprocate your feelings Nikhil?" Nikhil recalls the events of that day. Flashback, Bhabs when I started realizing my developing feelings for Mallika, I did not have the courage to confess them to her. Today, when I saw her cheerfully chatting with one of our male employees, I fumed with rage. I ordered her to come to my cabin immediately. She was surprised and confused with my behavior. When she came in, she questioned me about my weird behavior. I told her that I disliked her over-friendly interactions with the other male colleagues. She got surprised and told me that I was not her brother then why bother about her interacting with other men. Which is when Bhabs, I couldn't hold onto my feelings anymore. I screamed out to her what was there in my heart that she has become more than a friend to me and more important than Naaz in my life. Nehmat gasped listening to what Nikhil said. She nervously asked him, "What did she reply?"

In the park

Mallika to Advait, "I could not respond anything to Nikhil when he confessed his feelings to me even though my heart wanted to tell him that I too have fallen hard for him and felt for him the same way he did for me. I stopped myself realizing that Nikhil was already married and belonged to someone else. I caught my breath and quickly came out of the room." Advait heaved a sigh of relief on hearing that and said, "Good that you did not encourage my brother's foolish, immature acts. Now listen to me carefully, stay away from my brother. I do not want him to get into any scams and defame my career and our family reputation. It would be better if you stay away from my brother and his married life." Mallika, "I will try Advait but I do not know how long I will be able to hide my feelings from Nikhil because I truly love him." Advait, "True love my foot, earlier you said you truly loved me so when you couldn't get me you went for my brother?" Mallika, "You were always the Prince Charming of my dreams and won my mind with your looks but Nikhil he won my heart with his nature." Advait was absolutely annoyed with Mallika's talks and did not want to hear her anymore. He tells Mallika, "I'm telling you once and for all, stay away from my brother. There are already enough problems created in my life because of your brother and now I don't want you to do the same with my brother." After saying that, Advait angrily turns around and leaves from there. Mallika breaks down into tears.

Kapoor House, Nehmat and Advait's bedroom

Nikhil to Nehmat, "I'm pretty sure Bhabs, that Mallika too has developed feelings for me in her heart. In that case don't you think that we should unite?" Nehmat, "Then what about my sister Nikhil? She is your wife?" Nikhil, "Bhabs, it was Naaz herself who distanced me from her. She never valued me nor my love for her, so isn't it better to end a relationship if there is no love in it?" Nehmat gets thinking, she thinks about hers and Advait's initial days of marriage, how Advait used to torture her and how the two felt suffocated in the presence of the other due to their loveless marriage." Nehmat, "Give me some time Nikhil, I will only do whatever is the best for everyone." Nikhil feeling relieved catches her hands and says, "I know Bhabs that you will think about the well-being of everyone which is why I came to you. I hope you will soon find a solution." Nehmat smilingly nods, pats Nikhil's cheek and tells him. "Now go and take rest Nikhil, you must be tired after a long day." Nikhil agrees and takes leave. Nehmat was left with confused thoughts, "Whom should I choose? Sister or Best-friend?

Nikhil and Naaz's bedroom

As Nikhil enters his bedroom, he was surprised to find it decorated with red flowers and candles. As he kept looking around, Naaz comes there with a candle in her hand and dressed in Nikhil's favorite nightwear (it was gifted to her by Nikhil). Nikhil was amazed to see Naaz all dressed up and could not comprehend what was actually happening. Naaz comes close to Nikhil and whispers in his ear, "Wasn't this the special moment you had been always waiting for Nikhil?" Nikhil was spellbound at that. Gradually, Naaz draws near Nikhil and is about to place her lips onto his when Nikhil pushes her. Naaz was shocked and asked him, "What is wrong with you Nikhil? Weren't you the one who always wanted to have intimate moments? So what happened now?" Nikhil, "I can't get intimate with you anymore!" Naaz, "Why?" Nikhil shouts, "Because I love someone else!!!" Naaz was dumbfounded on hearing that.

Advait and Nehmat's bedroom

Advait comes in and sees Nehmat gazing outside the window. He gently closes the door behind him and bolts it. Nehmat senses Advait in the room and gradually turns towards him. As their eyes fall on each other, they remember their intimate moments of the previous night. Both blush in embarrassment. Finally, both together say, "I need to talk...." Advait thinking that Nehmat wanted to express her feelings like he did asks her to take the speech. Nehmat starts, "Nikhil and Mallika need our help!" Advait was shocked, "What? How did you know about them?" Nehmat, "Nikhil spoke to me about it and how did you know?" Advait, "I met Mallika a few hours ago." Nehmat, "So does that confirm that Mallika too has feelings for Nikhil?" Advait nods in agreement, "But I asked her to stay away from Nikhil and his married life!" Nehmat shocked asks him, "Why did you do that when you knew your brother loves her too?" Advait, "Nikhil is married now and it was his decision to marry Naaz so whatever consequences he is facing as a result of that decision, he should handle them himself!" Nehmat angrily shouts back, "But it is better to end a LOVELESS marriage than stay in it!" Advait was startled to hear those words.


To be continued.

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