"You hardly remember me."

"I remember a lot more than you think."

I pulled away, turning my attention to the sand.

"Like what?"

Link smiled softly, his eyes growing distant.

"We talked about the future a lot. You really wanted to settle down somewhere and start a family at some point. We were hoping to maybe work it out more, after the Calamity..."

He chuckled softly, his smile bittersweet. I clenched my fist on my tunic, smiling bitterly.

"If only things had gone differently. I wish you could've at least gotten back."

"That was the first promise I remember breaking."


"I promised I would come back."

"You didn't really break it... You came back."

"But I'm not me. I don't remember much of anything. I completely forgot about you. I only remember breaking that promise because that memory came back when I first saw you at Impa's house."

"So you weren't just being a stranger?"

He smiled softly, shaking his head.

"I just couldn't believe what had happened. But then again, it seems like anything can happen now."


He slowly reached over again, entwining our fingers.

"Are you okay with going to the castle?" he mumbled.

"I can only run from them for so long. I figured we'd do what we could before heading there. I don't know what's waiting for us when we go. I just know that all these monsters need to be stopped."


I glanced up at the sky as Link got to his feet, before helping me up. I slipped my glove back on as Link turned around.

"Look, Rudania's nearby."

I looked over at Death Mountain and saw Vah Rudania slowly moving.

"I wonder what Daruk is doing up there?"

"The old Goron champion?"

"Yeah... he was a friend of mine. A good friend."

Link gave the mechanical creature a melancholic smile as a deep chuckle filled my mind.

"That's my little guy! How's he been?"

"Who are you?"

"Ah! My apologies! I am Daruk, the Goron champion. I can't really see you guys from where I'm at, but this is my last chance to say anything before we move."

Link said something, then started pulling me back to the stable.

"I'm guessing you've only heard from Mipha so far. If you can get close enough to meet the others, we should be able to protect you when the time comes. I've done what I can for now. I wish you luck on your journey in meeting the others!"

The voice grew faint as we stepped into the stables, moving over to the beds. Zelda was sound asleep as I climbed into the bed next to her.

"I'll see you in the morning?"

I glanced at Link, nodding slowly. He nodded, then let my hand go. He moved over to his bed on Zelda's other side, and I rolled over.

I couldn't help but smile as more tears slipped out.

"You've made a mistake in telling him."

"The biggest mistake ever. We're telling Lord Ganon."

"Then do it. I don't care. I don't regret telling him anything. I don't regret telling Impa and Purah, either."

"You will regret it one day."

"You should've kept your mouth shut."

"Just shut up already."

I rolled onto my back, blocking out the voices as I stared at the ceiling, waiting for the night to pass on.

~ * ~

We get to see a little of what happened to Mey! And Daruk is here! And Link and Mey may be opening up a little??? lolol

Two of the voices are confirmed now. In my head (unless this is canon and I don't remember lol), I see Daruk being the one who has a hard time keeping secrets. And he's just so friendly with everyone, he just refers to them by name by habit hehe

Daruk is also my second favorite champion, Urbosa being the first. Mipha and Revali are tied in third, but I love them all hehe!

 Mipha and Revali are tied in third, but I love them all hehe!

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✓ | To Save Her | Link x OC | Breath of the WildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora