I sighed and patted the cat and went to room to shower and (c/n) followed me I strip off my school uniform

And I went inside the bathroom and (c/n) follows inside and I guess (c/n) wants a bath too because it's been 1 week since (c/n) was bathe

I picked up (c/n) and closed the bathroom door

Time skip~(3:05pm)

I opened the kitchen cabinets and the fridge as I expected no food inside or snacks and even (c/ns) cat food and treats

I looked at my cat and signed I guess I have to bring (c/n) with me

I went back to my room to change
I changed into a long black sweater/hoodie with black short shorts and have a black and white stripes on my long socks along with big shoes/heel
(I'll show you later at the end of this chapter)

I get my cats collar (btw y/n have two collar for her cat one inside her house and one for going walking or shopping okay back to the story!)

I kneeled down to (c/n) height and take off (c/n) collar and replace it with the collar for walking or going out

She meows at me and purred on my face

I picked up (c/n) and went outside and lock the house, I get my keys and put (c/n) on my bike and get her a mini helmet for her and I wear my helmet
I started the engine and we drove off

Mini skip~

We arrived and went inside the mall and get the things we need,(c/n) jumps
Off the bike I take off (c/ns) mini helmet and putted on my bike and I take off my helmet too and putted on my bike.

Third pov~

Y/n put all the groceries they need inside her motorcycle and y/n takes her helmet and (c/n) helmet and she puts the helmet of her cat on her head
And y/n puts hers on too

Y/n hop on her bike and (c/n) jumps on her bike, and y/n starts the engine and drove off

But before y/n could go home she stops at a local gaming store and went inside while (c/n) waits outside

While y/n dazed around to find a game she likes until someone tapped her shoulders

She turns around to see a guy wearing a white hoodie with black messy hair with black jeans on with sneakers/shoes

"What do you need sir? "Y/n asked the stranger and the stranger replied with

" sorry to bother you miss... But have seen a evil resident 2 game? "The stranger ask

"Yes I've seen a evil resident 2 game come! " replied with a 'smile'

Then y/n grabs the stranger hands and leads him to where the game he needs
And y/n points at the horror games

"You should see some residents evil or evil resident games here! "Y/n Says with a 'giggle' and let go of the strangers hands

"Thanks miss"and the guy turned around and get the game he wants and y/n nods but before she go back to find a game she could like
The stranger spoke again

" miss before you can go can I ask you something? "The stranger spoke, y/n hesitate for a moment but y/n nods
" sure! Ask away"y/n replied with a 'smile'

"You kinda look familiar to me have we meet-" before the stranger could finish his sentence someone cut off him

"Yo Jeff hurry up you why are you taking so long me and silver are but not really silver because he's petting a random cat outside and I'm getting pretty bored over there" we turned around who spoke to the stranger or I say 'Jeff '

The guy spoke was another guy with dirty blonde hair with green eyes/Hazel eyes (sorry I don't know whats the color of eyes Ben on his human disguise.)

The guy with the white hoodie or 'jeff'spoke.

"Are you blind or something ben because im clearly talking to Ms pretty over here and you just cutted me off when I'm going finish my sentence you fucking midget. " Jeff spoke with a sass

'Ben' rolled his eyes and left, 'Jeff' turned to me and said "sorry about that miss but I have to go.... Sorry for wasting your time.... "

"Nah it's fine though have a day sir Jeff ~" y/n said with a 'flirty' tone and y/n gave a wink at Jeff and went back to finding a game to play

And then 'jeff' paid the game that he wants and left but before Jeff left he make one more glance at y/n before he left

At that moment y/n felt that someone take a glance at her she looks around but nobody was around except for the worker here

Then y/n pick a game that she likes and went to the counter to pay the game and left the store a minute later
Then she went to her motorcycle then (c/n) meowed at her, y/n pats her cat and hops on her motorcycle she put the helmet on and her cat

She then starts the engine and drove off

Someone else's pov~

As I watch at the girl leaving the store and went to her motorcycle and she patted her cat that silver patted a minute ago she puts her helmet on and her cat and left (drove off)

I watch as the girls figure slowly disappeared from the distance
Then my thoughts were ruined by someone smacking my face

I looked at the person who smacked me and said

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WHATS THAT FOR YOU FUCKING MIDGET?! " I yelled at Ben "bro youve fucking staring At that chick what I suppose to do,you fucking cunt?! "'ben said'

I was talked but I stopped and grumbled underneath my breath and started the engine and left

Later that night~

I can't stop thinking about that girl I meet earlier... She looks very familiar and I ccan't seem to put a finger on it.

Somewhere else~

while y/n was cleaning while listenin some music on her headphone/headset and putting the groceries on kitchen but y/n suddenly sneezes/sneezed

Y/n looks around with a confused look
" did someone mention me or no?.....

✧༺✦✮✦༻∞ A/n~∞༺✦✮✦༻✧

By the way guys this the outfit she was wearing

And I also forgot to add this creepy pasta characters too:

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And I also forgot to add this creepy pasta characters too:

The Rake
Smile dog
Grinny the cat
Heartful lou

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