And Jimin's thought got interrupted by the sound of a trigger being pulled so instinctively he got up, forgetting all about his own worries and problems cause this was an emergency and without thinking twice, he run towards the man who had a 'who the fuck are you?' face going on, but before either one of them could say a word, Jimin's hands were on the man's side, pushing him as hard as he could off the building, earning a loud gasp coming from Jungkook's direction the moment a loud thump echoed in the silent space.

There. I helped.

The shock on Jungkook's face was priceless.

"What? Why?... Who are you?" the black haired said so Jimin looked around, trying to figure out if the guy he remembered from high school was actually talking to him.

"Wow, you actually don't remember me... Well when I think about it, I was blonde back then... blueish too... maybe even orange at one point..." again, Jimin missed the point here and started talking about the first thing that came to his mind. His hair colors.

"Excuse me?" Jungkook seemed to be more confused than before.

"We went to the same high school. I think you're a year, maybe two younger than me... You were weird back then and I can see you being weird now too..." Jimin eyed the confused man who frowned and after sucking the inner parts of his cheek in, he took a double look at Jimin's appearance.

The older was wearing the fluffiest baby blue jumper paired with the tight denim shorts and cute little pink sneakers which went perfectly well with his bubblegum pink hair. There were some cute, colorful little hair clips in his hair that showed off his cheery and soft personality. At least that's how Jimin would describe himself.

"...and you say that I look weird..." Jungkook pointed at Jimin's outfit so the older frowned while glancing down, trying to find a problem with the clothes he was wearing. He couldn't find any.

"Wow, look at you judging a book by its cover." The older concluded, not liking the way people would sometimes mock him for liking cute, shiny, pastel, soft colors and he wore them proudly.

"Sorry, but didn't you do that a minute ago when you said how I was weird without knowing me first?" Jungkook crossed his arms, a black turtleneck shirt flexed under his muscly arms and Jimin couldn't not notice how defined the younger's physic was.

"No. I said you're weird cause I do know you. I remember you not talking to anyone, not having friends, not going to any parties, not saying hi to anyone, like ever." Jimin kept talking and talking so Jungkook closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb.

"God what do I do with you..." he said while sighing deeply so Jimin felt his heart rate speeding up.

"W-What do you m-mean?" Jimin made a step back, not liking Jungkook's question, but he certainly didn't like the fact that he was standing way too close to the edge of the fence either.

"Well you see... now that you know what I do for a living, you could be a potential problem..." Jungkook moved one step closer to the older who looked behind, trying to see how many steps he had left before falling down.

And then it hit him...

This can't be happening!

"Listen to me, I would never tell your secret. I don't care who you are or what you do, I just wanted to help you out. Ok? So don't you dare kill me. Did you hear me?" Jimin pointed his index finger in front of Jungkook who looked down, a smile creeping up on his face while looking at the smallest, chubby, cute fingers." Besides, what if I kill you first?" Jimin tried his hardest to look fearless, but his legs were shaking violently by now.

Should've Killed You FirstWhere stories live. Discover now