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Dude it's literally 4:31 am I don't know why I'm here or why I'm writing this, in like 8 hours I gotta go over to my friends and I haven't slept in like 22 hours.

Y/n = your name
F/s = fave show


3rd person pov

You finally sat down on your couch, after a whole night of pizza partying with the boys. Since your parents were always at work or out of town, it worked perfectly. It was 4:34 am, and you were exhausted but then couldn't sleep at the same time. You closed your eyes and relaxed, sinking into the couch for a few minutes.

You snapped your eyes open, to Donatello, the purple one, sneaking up from his brother's arms. You'd known him for a while actually, he and his brothers rescued you from a girl called Cassandra. She was super energetic and kept yelling at you about them, 'Oh I know that you know them! So tell me, where are they?!'. You chuckled to yourself, that was 9 months ago.

Donnie looked over to where you are, you sitting with your legs open, your arms on top of the back cushions of the couch. You met his gaze, he looked away awkwardly and walked over to you slowly.

"Hey, what's up?" You whispered, not wanting to wake the others.

"Nothing, would you mind if we were to hang out? I had coffee an hour and fifty-two minutes ago, so I'm not tired." He said, gesturing towards your bedroom.

You nodded, slowly standing up and him following. Quietly walked over to your bedroom door, hands on the handle hoping it wouldn't make a sound.

You opened the door, let Donnie in first, walked in, and shut the door as quietly as possible behind you. Turning on the lights as you walked over to your bed and flopped on it.

He pulled out your chair from your desk and sat on it, sighing. Looking down, he spoke up "I... I was wondering if we could.. just talk. About anything, if you could carry the conversation that'd be great."

"Oh.. sure. Are you not feeling verbal right now, or do you just want me to ramble on about stuff I find interest in?"

"I just need some noise in my ears.. my brain is crowded and I can't think properly. So, I'd rather listen to someone talk."

You chuckled, sitting up and facing him at the edge of your bed. "Alright, science boy get ready for me to info dump you on f/s!" You said enthusiastically.

After half an hour of changing your position, and not looking at the purple turtle, you finally look at him. With all your mumbling, he must've nodded off. He's been like this for 2 months now, coming to you when he's tired but can't sleep so you can ramble about your hyperfixations. He and his caffeine addiction, sigh. You grin, get up and grab an extra blanket from your closet and set it aside. You guys were good friends and went to each other when you had worries that you couldn't tell anyone else. You slide his goggles off his head and take off his battle shell even though it made a loud noise. It didn't wake him up thankfully. You stiffly undid the ends of his bandana, set the things on your desk, grabbed the blanket, and wrapped it around him carefully.

You walked over to turn off the lights, stumbled into bed, and cuddled your plushies you have. Slowly drifting into sleep.

You kept waking up from your sleep, once because you were cold. Once because you felt some kind of weight under your blanket, too tired to open your eyes and check. And the third time was when you woke up, the weight was wrapped around you. That weight was Donnie, you guys were cuddling.

You tried to get out from under his arms, and your shuffling woke him up.

"Mmhh... Y/n.. what're you doing?" He said, pulling you closer.

Your back pressed against his plastron, arms wrapped tightly around your waist.

"Donnieee let me goo! I have to take a piss!" You whined.

"No.. you're warm, not yet. It's cold."
He put his chin on your shoulder.

"But Donnie! I have to piss! Badly! I'll come back after washing my hands and then we can cuddle, pleasee!"

He let go, the warmth still lingering for a little while.

"Make it quick, please. It feels like winter in here."

"Donnie, you dumb dumb- It IS winter. It's January."

"Then close your window before you invite us over, and warm your place up! Please- It makes me sleepy."

"That's the reason I do it stupid. Alright, be right back. I don't feel like pissing myself after waking up."

You got up, hurrying to your bathroom. The others are still sleeping. Raph is on the floor and Leo is on the couch with Mikey. You go into your bathroom, do your thing, and wash your hands with soap. Twice.

Your bathroom floor was cold, and you didn't have socks on. As soon as you dried your hands you hurried back to bed where your turtle friend was, forgetting to shut the door.

Getting back in your bed, facing his plastron, and hugging him. He hugged you, "Tighter or looser?" he spoke.

"Tighter.. please" you whispered.

Both of you fell asleep after half an hour of hugging.


I have no idea what I'm doing, but it's funny so I will keep doing it. Updates soon hopefully. :)

(934 words total)

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