Miles arms wrapped around me always calm me down, I interlace our fingers and we go to sleep.

I wake up when I feel cold, I shiver a little and open my eyes. Maybe Miles turned to the other side, I reach with my arm but there's nothing.

"Miles?" I murmur, I can't see that well yet.

I get no answer so I stand up and look around, he's not here.

The sky is not clear yet, so it must be really really early, where could he be?

I debate myself on wheter to stay here with Nakoa or go look for Miles... there's no point in waking the baby up and I will go look quickly.

I have to make the desition because otherwise I don't want to leave my baby, so I walk fast out of the tent.

There's not too much light and I don't see anyone.

I walk around until I notice two figures in the distance. I get a little closer and notice that Jake and Miles are talking.

They both look very serious, both with their arms crossed.

I don't know what's going on but I'm sure I don't like it.

I try to get close without them noticing me.

"I can't leave her right now," I hear Miles.

"We'll be back, but we need the word to spread and fast. You know even better than I do that this was nothing. This win is nothing. I have no idea why they haven't come after us yet," Jake argues.

"But I'm no one, how can I help you?" Miles asks.

"I'll give you something to identify yourself, the clans will listen,"

"My na'vi isn't even that good,"

"Then you fucking practice all the way there, we need to leave. Tomorrow maximum," Jake says.

I don't want to hear anymore. Maybe I'm dreaming or something. I start walking away and accidentally step in a rock, even then I manage to control myself and get to the tent, the rock made a cut on my foot so I have to take care of it.

I'm cleaning it up when Miles comes in.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks kneeling beside me.

"Yeah," I respond not looking at him.

"Can I take a look at it?" he asks.


He sighs and gets closer to me.

"You heard," he doesn't need to question, he knows.

"How long have you known?"


"Just answer, how long have you known?"

"Sully and I talked about like... two weeks ago. Anatuat, we need to act fast, our win in the island... it's nothing. The people from the sky don't care about it, they care to destroy what's on their way," he says.

"And why didn't you tell me?" I finally look at him. I'm not mad that he has to go, I'm mad that he waited until now to tell me, well not even that because I was the one to find out.

"I didn't want to worry you more. The baby wasn't here yet, we weren't sure how we were going to split or what, there was no point in making you worry about something else," he explains.

I hear Nakoa whimper a little but he calms down and we can talk again.

"I think that sometimes you forget that I'm not a child. I was a child during the first war, when the people from the sky took down the sacred tree, when we had to move and run and pray everyday that we could resist, when my father died fighting to protect his family, when Jake united the clans to win..." The memories are very fresh in my mind, sometimes even clearer than the few memories I have of my father.

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