33| Untouchable

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"About a dozen times." 

"Did you answer?" 

"Not once." 

"I wouldn't put it past him to show up." 

"We have security." He glanced at me. "And I have my own." 

"Like what? That gun I see you carrying in a holster once in a while or the dagger you slipped into your vest that one time?" 

He chuckled softly, keeping his eyes on the knife in his hands. "You're quite observant, aren't you?" 

"Only for you, I'm afraid," I mocked, using his words. 

"I have a few," he revealed, "you need one too." 

"I'm against gun violence." 

He shot me a blank look. "Save the morality for when your life isn't in danger. I'll even help you advocate." 

"Hmm, tempting," I teased. 

"I have a spare pistol." 

"How many do you need?" I asked, genuinely curious. 

"That depends on where I go and who I meet. For you, there are only two people you need to worry about." 

"And they are...?" 

"Nico," he sighed, "and your father." 

I went still for a few minutes. "You want me to learn how to use a gun on Nico and... my father? Just in case?" 

"Just in case," he nodded. 

"Who's going to teach me?" 

"I am," he announced, "today. Eat up and then we'll practice." 

"Practice? Where, exactly?" 

"The Veil." 

I frowned, "Isn't that a gentlemen's club? I thought they had a strict no women policy unless there's an event." 

"They do," he replied. 

"Then how exactly will you take me inside?" 

"They won't stop me," he shrugged. 

"Why not?" 

He lifted his eyes to mine. "Because I own the club." 

I blinked once, twice. "What?" 

He picked up a slice of cucumber he'd cut and slipped it into my mouth. "We'll stop by your apartment so you can change. For now, just wait for lunch to be served." 

"You own one of New York's biggest clubs?" 


"You own Nine Lives?" I asked incredulously, staring at him in disbelief. 

"Is it that surprising?" he asked obliviously. 

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