22| Mine

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Chapter 22: Mine (Rhys's POV)

"You're late," Logan pointed out as I strolled inside The Veil and headed towards the table he waited at, along with Christian and Rowan. 

Without faltering in my steps, I slapped my membership card against the security guard's chest and continued making my way to our table, unbuttoning my suit and shrugging it off, draping it on the back of my chair before I sat down and released a breath. "I was working," I replied, looking past Logan and Christian who sat across from me, and towards the bar in the back, waving at the bartender. 

"Your usual, sir?" he called out loudly. 

I nodded once and turned to my right, taking my card back from the guard once he finished scanning it for my entrance. 

"Working?" Rowan questioned doubtfully. "Rhys Romanov still handles cases on his own?" he mused. 

"No," Christian scoffed lightly in a sing-song voice. "Only where Stella's concerned." 

My eyes cut to Logan's. "You told them?" 

He shook his head, hiding his smirk behind his glass of whiskey. 

"Zarah wouldn't tell Jules or Evie," I concluded, "so you told them." 

"I didn't," Logan defended. 

"Word travels fast, Rhys," Christian said, "I heard from a client. They heard it from Nico himself. Logan didn't tell us anything." 

Logan shot me a smug look and then leaned back in his chair. 

"Is it true?" Rowan asked, "Damien Russo was robbed of two million?" 

I stopped to take my drink from the bartender and waited until he walked away. "You know I'm supposed to keep things confidential, right? I'm a lawyer. Wasn't I invited for a chess game?" I looked at Christian. "You called for help. Tired of losing?" I smirked. 

He rolled his eyes at me. "I'm playing against Rowan this time." 

"Excuse me? What the hell is that supposed to mean? You think Rhys is better than me at chess?" Rowan scoffed. 

"Yes," Christian answered bluntly. 

Rowan looked at me but I simply shrugged in my defense. 

"This should be fun," Logan said, resetting our board, "I figured you would have a bone to pick with me." 

My eyes twitched to narrow into a glare. "What makes you say that?" 

He chuckled to himself under his breath before glancing at me briefly. "You met her, didn't you? She told you the truth." 

"Did she tell you that? I wasn't aware you and Stella were so close." 

"No, my wife did." He gestured for me to make the first move and I did. 

"You helped her," I stated. 

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