" Love for a life time "

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Ignore the mistakes. Any pictures used in the fiction are not mine. Credit to their respective owners. This work is entirely mine and any resemblance to any other work is pure coincidence. Kindly do not copy the work. Happy reading.

"I hate my life; not even one thing goes right! Jiah broke up with me for apparently no reason, I failed such an important case, my hair is falling out like crazy, I got a huge pimple, my parents are forcing me to go on this fucking date, and now my friends are ignoring me like I don't even exist!!.."

Jungkook continues to ramble, buttoning up his white shirt and fixing his hair. Despite his constant rant, he was still doing his best to look good. Life can be messed up, but looking good on a date is important, duh! He wasn't interested in meeting whoever his parents set him up with for marriage but agreed anyway just to get them off his back. His girlfriend of one year broke up with him a few weeks ago, saying that she couldn't do this relationship anymore. Jungkook had pathetically attempted to persuade her to stay but had failed. His parents had unexpectedly brought a potential proposal for him out of nowhere while he was drinking and sobbing about his heartbreak. Jungkook was so irritated that he avoided them for a week but eventually gave up in the face of their persistence. Yoongi lets out a bored yawn and lays down on the bed, closing his eyes. Jimin and Seokjin continued to play their table soccer with full focus. Jungkook sprays some perfume and turns around, glaring at his " friends"

"Are you going to help me or what?" he asks, his arms crossed and his doe eyes wide open. "If you're going to ignore me like that, then I will tell Namjoon Hyung that you gave your number to that receptionist for a discount."

Seokjin chokes as he glances at him.

" What the hell? I did that for us, and you're going to betray me?"

Jungkook shrugs. "You guys are also not supporting me,"

Jimin sighed, rolling his eyes. "What do you want us to do? It's just the first date, Kook; just go and later say that you didn't like the guy. It's simple."

"As if you didn't hear my parents; they were like so into this; they look like they got their dream son-in-law, and I'm sure they won't leave me alone if I reject him."

"Can you guys please turn down the volume?" "I'm trying to sleep here," Yoongi says, his eyes half open.

Jungkook scowls as he walks towards him and drags him up by the hand. "The audacity! My life is about to be destroyed in minutes, and you want to sleep?? get your ass up and HELP ME!!!"

Yoongi grumpily sits up, annoyed. " Fine!! Think of something, guys, or this brat won't leave us alone."

Jimin and Seokjin sigh in defeat and plop down across the duo as they begin to think of something to prevent this.

"Hey, how about we do it like this?" Seokjin says abruptly, his voice slightly excited. The three perked up and leaned toward him with full attention. "You can go there and meet him; talk to him nicely and be polite for a few minutes. Then I can come as your secret boyfriend, and I will say that you tried to dump me for him because your parents forced you to do this."

Yoongi gives Seokjin a disapproving look. "That sounds so stupid and dramatic."

"Then you suggest something smartass!" Seokjin says offended.

"I think the plan is fine, but we need to plan it more clearly to avoid further confusion." Jimin says, looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook pauses for a beat before nodding. "Alright, it's not really bad; we can just make him the bad guy who broke us apart, and he'll probably reject me himself after all this drama."

Love For A Life Time I TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now