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Rain poured down on konoha that day as if in sympathy with those mourning below. A small gathering of shinobi and a family of civilians, all wearing black. This was a funeral. A funeral of a daughter, a friend to some, and to one in particular, someone they loved with everything. Naruto Uzumaki, stood among his fellow gennin who were present to pay their last respects to Sakura Haruno. Her mother sobbing uncontrollably, her father in silent tears. Her friends and comrades all in low spirits, the older shinobi keeping their emotions in check, those who were her friends crying openly. Naruto only stared at her casket, to him she looked beautiful even in death, she never returned his feelings but that never stopped him from loving her. He paid no attention to everything happening around him, his thoughts on the day she died. It was like it just happened.

Naruto laid flat on his back after being defeated by his long time rival, Sasuke Uchiha. The evidence of their battle clear as the surrounding area was destroyed. He had failed, failed himself, granny Tsunade, and worst of all Sakura. He promised to bring Sasuke back, painful as it may have been. He only wanted to see her smile, and even with the kyubbis help he still failed. His self loathing was interrupted by a slightly scared voice. "S-sasuke-kun?".
Said Uchiha turned to look at his biggest fan girl. "What do you want?". His tone cold and unforgiving. Sakura was scared, Naruto lay at her feet, no signs of life, and the boy she chased after all her life deserting his village, for power. "This isn't you, it's the curse seal, I know you're still in there". She cried. "You're so naive Sakura, after all these years you still don't get it. I hate you, I hate the leaf, and I hate Naruto. You all were just stepping stones to my destiny. I need power and the leaf village hasn't got any. There was no team 7 and there never will be!!". The words echoing all around them. Sakura still persisted. "B-but you said i-i ...". "You what!". Snapped Sasuke.
"When people made fun of my forehead, you would always come to defend me, even back then on the bench when you complimented me, I love you because of all you did for me!!! Not some childish crush!!!". Sasuke narrowed his eyes. "I never did any of that, why would I go out of my way to defend you? I already told you I hate you, that you're annoying, and you still keep coming back. You were so desperate that you listened to whatever garbage that loser told you".
"It's not garbage!!! It meant a lot to me ... You-". " I would never do any of that for you, or anyone else, if you can't put the pieces together, then I should just kill you where you stand, you're a pest that deserves to be put down". Sakura froze, finally putting everything together, that day, Sasuke almost kissed her, then came back and said she was annoying. It could only be- she looked down at her fallen teammate, tears flowing freely. That was it. He was the one all those years. He was the one who defended her, smiled at her, made her feel special. Even when not henged as Sasuke, he stood by her, despite how badly she treated him. He did everything to make sure she always smiled, and now here he was, lying in his own pool of blood. All because of her. "Naruto..." She breathed out softly. Sasuke seeing she dropped her guard took his chance. Might as well just kill the bitch right?
With that he charged a chidori and blitzed at an unprepared Sakura. Naruto could only watch as she was pierced through the chest, Sasuke's cold eyes gazing into hers. Naruto screamed as her body fell limp to the ground. A rush of energy suddenly engulfed him as he caught her before she hit the ground. His tears flowing freely. "No no no no ... Sakura-chan, you can't die here". He tried channeling chakra into her, just to get a reaction, he was too focused on Sakura, not even noticing Sasuke had left. She looked up weakly at her teammate who was crying like a little kid. "I'm sorry Naruto, for everything ... You were always there for me and I pushed you away. I-". Naruto put a finger to her mouth. "I know, and it's in the past, we'll make it out of this I promise you". Sakura could only smile sadly knowing it was a lost cause. "Naruto, I'm sorry ... I can't ...". Placing a hand on his cheek to calm him down- at least to hear her final words. " I wish things could've been different, I wish I wasn't so mean to you, I hope you truly find someone who accepts you". She cried. "Maybe in another life we could've been something more... Thank you Naruto ". With this she finally gave up the battle to keep her life. Naruto just knelt there, Sakura in his arms. She was dead, no jokes, Sakura was gone. As the realization hit him, he screamed to the heavens, a new torrent of tears flushing down. He started to think about Sasuke, and what he had done. He would pay, now Naruto knew what hatred felt like. He looked at his reflection on a puddle that formed in front of him. Blood red eyes staring back at him, except they weren't the kyubbis. Staring back at him were the violently spinning tomoes of the sharingan. He was an Uchiha, but paid no mind to that. His head clouded by anger and grief. He soon cried himself to unconsciousness, never letting go of his dead teammate.
End of flashback

He watched as the rain ebbed on, adding to the sorrow. He watched as the casket was closed, taking the last glimpse of her he would ever see again. His head brought down as tears threatened to burst out again. He felt a hand on his shoulder, turning to see Kakashi. Kakashi felt for the kid. Losing someone you loved was a hard blow to recover from. He was never the same after the death of his parents, Obito, Rin, and his sensei. He hoped Naruto wouldn't go down a dark path just to get revenge. He squeezed his shoulder reassuringly, as if telling him it would be alright. Naruto smiled softly at his sensei. Looking back to see that most people were leaving silently. Kakashi patted him on the back and left, knowing Naruto would be there awhile. Eventually, he alone stood there, only accompanied by Sakuras parents.
Sakura's mother stared at him for some time, what could be keeping him here this long?
Naruto turned sensing someone's gaze to see Mebuki staring at him with tear filled eyes. At first he thought it was because he was Konohas demon brat, but later saw curiousity in her eyes, as if she was trying to figure out why he was still there. He gathered courage and approached her, stopping a few feet away. "Please, forgive me ... I couldn't save her ..." He said bowing low. Naruto started sobbing.
"If only I had been stronger, she would be alive ... Sasuke killed her, and I promise I will make him pay". He remembered he had her ribbon. He brought it out and offered it to Mebuki, " you should have this ".
Kizashi spoke up for the first time. "The Uchiha did this you said?". He was fuming with rage, all his daughter ever spoke about was Sasuke, and now she was 6 feet beneath the ground because of the bastard. Naruto nodded at him. He looked at the boy and actually felt pity for him. His eyes looked dead and his bright blond hair dulled and looked pale.
" It seems this is a lot for you ". He asked Naruto. " Yeah, the truth is, I liked Sakura my whole life, but because of Sasuke...". He noticed how the boy seemed to spit the name out with venom.
"I never gave up, but it hurt me seeing how badly he treated her, but I understood, when you love someone, you don't give up easily, I was happy that she was happy ... Until this happened". Kizashi nodded silently. He never really understood Naruto, a renowned prankster, the so called knuckle headed ninja who never stopped smiling, but before him was someone who had lost his will. He picked up his wife who was hugging the ribbon and crying hysterically.
"The rain won't stop anytime soon, go home before you get a cold". He said with a little concern. Naruto looked at him once and nodded, trudging down the path he came from, cursing everything. He stopped at a tree, took out a kunai and stabbed himself in the hand. "I swear I'll get stronger, and I'll never lose again". With that he set off for his house, vowing to get Sasuke back for what he did.

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