"Harley," Lucas prodded, only to be met with no response. "Harley," he said firmer this time, reaching out to unwind his boyfriend's arms from around his legs to clasp his large hands around Harley's. "Can you look at me?"

The younger man raised his head from where it was bowed between his shoulders, those beautiful emerald green eyes he shared with his brother even brighter under the moonlight and tears. Lucas had to remind himself of what he even wanted to say, so swept away within those irises.

"That's exactly what we're going to do. We're going to keep surviving because that's what Axel would want of us. We're gonna get ready for a little baby to join us in just a few months, and we're not gonna bend to what Dawson wants. And maybe we'll get 'outta this place someday, get into a career, have that fucking dog named Cooper, yeah?" Lucas grinned, and his heart melted at the little chuckle that bubbled out of his chest. "But we'll never become something we're not. How could we ever lose that Southside charm?"

"Yeah, you're right," Harley whispered, letting out a shaky sigh and leaning forward to rest his forehead on Lucas' chest. He felt two warm, sturdy arms wrap around his torso and pull him in tighter, and a pair of lips plant a kiss on his forehead. The same little kisses Lucas always gave him at night when he thought Harley was asleep, unaware that the other man had known about them this entire time. The little things Lucas used to do when he thought no one was looking, when he wanted to express his affection, but couldn't afford to lose people's perceptions of his hardened persona.

"There's something I need to tell you about," Lucas mumbled, causing vibrations to run through the cheek Harley had pressed above his boyfriend's heart as he spoke. "Axel wanted to keep it between us, but I think the time is right now."

Harley slowly sat up with a wary expression, meeting Lucas' eyes. "Something bad?"

"No, no. Not at all," Lucas cleared his throat, looking away from Harley and into a dark corner of the room to keep his train of thought. Everything would always get so jumbled together when he was staring right at Harley. "When Axel and I finally found a stable place to live, after we moved into this house, Axel asked me to start a savings account for you, and to see what I could do with a few thousand in stocks."

"What? With what money?" Harley exclaimed.

"Any that he could spare while working odd jobs and dealing. After the first year of our little business, our network and connections grew. We had more clients and more people to go out and sell, so we were turning a good profit. A really good profit. The bills were already cheap here, and by further splitting it up between everyone, we each came away with more than a decent wage at the end of the day. Axel always wanted to put half of his money towards your account. Between that and the stocks there's like thirty grand there."

Harley was frozen, jaw practically fallen to the floor. "You can't be fucking serious."

"I thought he was being stupid, or just a glutton for punishment, maybe both, but I couldn't believe he wanted to give that much money to some bratty teenager who lived in Northside," Lucas scoffed, to which Harley frowned and smacked him in the arm, and Lucas pretended to cower away.

"Is that why you were such a dick to me when I first met you?" He snarled.

"Yes, and no. Mainly yes, but I thought you were cute and that was very confusing for me because I also thought your brother was cute and there was, like, a lot of frustration there."

Harley rolled his eyes, crossing his arms to feign irritation, but the small smile that played on his lips gave it away. Lucas was just thankful that he was able to smile at something that day, no matter how small. "So why would Axel put away all that money for me?"

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