42 - Family Reunion

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(Alex's POV)

Hailey was finally coming home today. After 3 long months she'll finally be back home with us.

"Alexander do not touch my dirty underwear! Are you crazy!?" Hailey screams grabbing the dirty laundry out of my hands.

I frown "oh really? Who do you think was cleaning you up all these months?"

I had already made up my mind that i wasnt going to bring up that specific topic so as to not make her feel embarassed. But I need her to know that she can be comfortable with me.

She stays silent. Her cheeks softly turning red as she looks away.

"I...uh.." she drawls. Unsure of what to say.

I sigh. It was never my intention to embarass her.

"Just give me those" I say taking the laundry gently from her hands. Hesitantly, she slowly let them go.

"Good. Now go get changed. We gotta go surprise Jase."

(Hailey's POV)

I rush into the bathroom, close the door behind me and softly rest my forehead against it. Omggg that was sooo embarassing.

Alexander has been cleaning me up all these months? Seeing my dirty underwear everyday and all the hairs that have grown on me for the past three months!!! Ugghhhhh

"Hails, are you nearly ready?" I hear my boyfriend's voice from the other side of the door.

"Yea babe just give me a second" I say and finally decide to start cleannimg myself up to go surprise my dad.

I specifically requested Alex to not tell my father I had woken up. He was reluctant at first as he Explained how my father missed me and how happy he'll be to hear that I am awake. Buttt after alot of convincing I finally got Mr. Goody two shoes to agree.

Quickly i brush my teeth, wash my face, finally fixed my hair from that horid ponytail Alexander had put it in. Shivers run through my body just thinking about it. And last but not least the horrible paint job Alex did to my nails, not much I can do about that for now.

I give myself one more look over in the mirrorr then exit the bathroom.

"You ready Hails?"

I nod.

"Time to go surprise dad"


(Jase's POV)

Everything was just a jumbled mess. The words werent making sense, the case wasnt make sense, nothing made sense anymore.

I miss my little girl so much.

The only part of the new Hailey I have left is Alexander and I can feel myself slowly pushing him away too.


Frustrated, I slam yet another cup of coffee into the wall, breaking another cup in the process.

"Jase!? What is that?" I hear Alexander's voice echo around the house.

Quickly I try to make my voice sound less shaky than it actually was.

"It's nothing, just dropped a cup". I reply.

It goes quiet after that.

I sigh

This is how its been since that day. Just dead and errily quiet.

I was about to get back to my work when I hear the door to my office open.

Thats weird, Alexander never comes in here. "Alex yo-"

"Hi dad"


(Alexander's POV)
To say that Jase was happy to see Hailey alive and well would be an understatement.

Its been a couple days since shes been here with us and Jase has been doing everything to make Hailey as comfortable as one can get. He dosent let her do anythinggg.

"I Feel like you're enjoying this too much now you know" I say, plopping down unto the sofa beside Hailey.

She turned from the TV a smirk glued on her face.

"I dont know what you're talking about" she says. Throwing her legs unto my lap.

I stare at her blankly. "Really"

"Pleaseeeeee" she pouts sticking out her bottom lip.

Playfully I roll my eyes and begin massaging her feet. To be honest, she didnt have to even say please for me to massage her. I love her so much and I owe her so much and im so happy to have her back Id literally do anything she says.

We fall into a comfortable silence, the soft mumbling of the actors on the TV the only sound to be heard.

(Hailey's POV)

"We need to talk Hails" Alexander says from beside me on the sofa.

I sigh knowing what he wants to talk about.

"Awhh come onn it was just getting to the good part" I whine, gesturing to the TV.

He snatches the remote out of my hands and turns the TV off.

"Well thats not very nice" I huff

"Why'd you do it Hailey?" He asks, getting straight to the point.

I sigh, taking my feet from his lap and finally turning to face him. To see him already staring at me, his eyes peering into my soul.

"I know you Alex and I knew you wouldn't come back" I whisper staring right at him.

"So you almost get yourself killed for that!?" Its like i can feel his anger rising.

"For that??? For that?? For you Alex. You came into my life and changed everything! Everything I do now is for you and id be dammed if i was gonna let you just walk out on me like that!" Now i was the one yelling.

"So you thought hurting yourself, would fix all of this!?" He asks standing up.

"It did, didnt it?" I retort. I knew he'd be feeling guilt, anger, saddness for what happened with his father and hed be thinking we're mad at him and unable to face us again. I know my boyfriend and i knew he'd only come back if I had anything to do with it. I wasnt going to loose him.

Everything just happened so fast, I barely remember any of it myself. I was speeding down the road, going through red lights waiting for something, anything to happen and when I saw that truck the only thoughts in my head was to slam into it. Which is what i did.

"You couldve died Hailey dont you understand!? What would have happened if things didnt go according to your "plan"? What if you had died, what would've happened to me? What would've happened to your father??" He yells.

"Well good thing I didnt die then" I say calmly, turning the TV back on. Signalling the end of the conversation.

"Unbelieveable" Alex scoffs and walks out of the room.

I sit there for a few hours, going over the conversation in my head. I was pretty straight forward and stood my ground well. However, what Alex said kept on replaying in my mind.

What if things had'nt gone according to my plan?

Author ~•~

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