4 - My Bully

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(Alex POV)

I made the short walk to school, which actually took longer that it should, considering I was walking as slow as a snail as I haven't had anything to eat in 2 days, and energy is one thing I didn't have right now. I was crossing the parking lot when i heard a loud honk from behind me "beep beep!!" Turning around I see my bully Asher Daniels in his "sweet ride".
"Aye rag doll get out the way will you!"he shouted at me still honking.
I quickly make my way to safety as I knew he wouldn't hesitate to run me over, I actually consider myself lucky that he had warned me.

The warning bell for first, snapped me out of my thoughts and I make a dash for the double doors of the huge building. I would be even later as I had to go to my locker. No way I was carrying this big ass bag around!

I push pass the stampede of kids rushing to get to their classes until I finally reach my locker. I put in the books I won't need and only take my English book with me as I have English first. Just as I was about to make my way to class I heard clicking of boots a little behind me. I didn't have to guess who it was as only one person could get the hallways so quiet and all eyes on her in a second.
Hailey Lena.

I see from the corner of my eye how she walks over to Daniels and they start doing some very inappropriate stuff. Well I'm guessing I'm the only one who was finding the scene disturbing as all the other kids who by the way are supposed to be at class, were ogling them with hungry eyes. I fight back a gag and pushing my glasses up my nose make my way to AP English, scolding myself for being late.

It was now lunch and I was sitting at the corner of the cafeteria by myself as per usual, eating an apple that the lunch lady was kind enough to give me, I hated pity but it was that or I die of hunger.

I watch as Daniels and Lena make their way through the double doors, probably were hooking up in some classroom somewhere I'm guessing... and as usual all eyes were on them. They make their way over to their table, Lena shoving a few geeks on her way. I swear sometimes she's even worse than Daniels.

Speaking of the meanie his brown eyes meet my blue ones from across the cafeteria, he smirks his evil smirk and all I wanted to do at that moment was wipe that smirk clean off his face, but as I have no fighting skills at all, I brace myself for what was about to come.

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