18 - Its Complicated

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{Time skip cause I'm a jerk}

(Alex's POV)
Its now Friday, the day of the field trip and after much muccchhhh consideration I finally decided that I wanted to go on that trip. 1 because it's for an assignment not for recreation and 2 I get to leave this place even if its for a couple days. I packed my bag with the most presentable clothes I had which between you and me, isn't so presentable but its what I have, its gonna have to do. I hurry downstairs and write a note to dad explaining my absence. No way I was gonna tell him face to face he'd never let me go even with all the expenses being covered, mostly because he'd need me at home to do chores and use me as a punching bag. Yes it happened again two days ago, nearly fractured my rib I tell you! But let's not go there I'm in a good mood today. I rush out the door as I caught a glimpse of the old broken clock on the living room wall and it read 8:39 the bus leaves exactly at 9:00 "shoot!"

"Alexander Garner?" the lady checking the register to board the bus called
"here!" I said passing her and stepping unto the bus. Normally they would call in alphabetical order. But as I was a about 3 minutes late along with a few others, most of the pupils were already on the bus which meant no empty seats, which meant I'd have to sit beside someone. I look around the bus and recognize kids from my class and a few others I'm guessing were from other literature classes. A few cheerleaders and jocks were her- WAIT JOCKS!!!??? WHAT THE HELL ARE JOCKS DOING ON HERE!. Mother of pickles they're probably from the other classes why didn't I ask if other classes were coming too! Ugh fuck my life. The only good thing that has happened so far is that Daniels wasn't on board. THANK YOU JESUS!

"hey are you trying to move?" a very annoyed kid boarding the bus said from behind me.

Dang was I really standing in the walkway all this time? I really need to get that under control!! I mumble a sorry and step aside allowing him to pass. Suddenly the clicking of boots could be heard and the bus fell silent. A smile finds it's way unto my face as i knew exactly who it was. Hailey!!.

"Hey Hailey!!" I call out to get her attention. "do you wanna sit together? I literally know no one on here" I exclaim. She was silent for a second until she spoke up.

"Who the fuck do you think you are talking to me nerd! Asher should've been here to bust your little ass! Even though I could do it myself but I'd rather not get trash on my designer boots "


"get out of my way twerp" she nudged my shoulder and walk towards her friends at the back of the bus who were now laughing their asses off.


"you can sit here next to me" a boy sitting at the front of the bus said probably feeling sorry for me.

I take the space beside him and give him a greatful smile, he just hums in response put in his ear pods and stare out the window. I tried to think happy thoughts I really tried! But the only thoughts going through my head right now was...

What the hell just happened?

Its now about 8:00pm yep 8:00 pm. Mr Smith was right when he said the places weren't close by! We had dinner right after we arrived which took another hour and a half and I ate about three whole servings... hey don't judge I haven't eaten in days! Anyways we had dinner and I am currently walking up to my room with my roommate. Tony I think his name is? He opens the door with the key we were given and we walk into the room. It was a large room with two good sized beds on both sides of the room. The theme in the room was blue and white everything was blue and white the walls the bedsheets the curtains etc. Tony sets his stuff on the bed closest to the door so I'm guessing the other bed is mine then?. I go over to it take out my best pair of PJs and head into the bathroom to freshen up. This bathroom is nothing compared to mine. This one had a bath and a shower a big crystal sink with a huge circular mirror above it, and the toilet of course. I step into the shower and turn the pipe. I let out a shriek as warm water touched my body, I'm so used to cold water I literally forgot what warm water felt like!

"hey you alright in there?" I heard Tony's voice from behind the door.

"yeah I'm fine" I shout over the sound of the water.

I lather myself in the vanilla body wash and my hair in vanilla shampoo. I spend about 10 minutes in there then go over to the sink to brush my teeth. I dry myself off with a towel they had on a hanger thingy, put my PJs on and exit the bathroom.

It seemed Tony already turned in for the night because all the lights were off leaving the place in complete darkness. I go over to my bed and plop myself down on it. I hug my pillow and couldn't help but let my mind wander back to what Hailey said on the bus this morning. She acted like she had no idea who I was. Was it because of her friends? Is she ashamed of me? I couldn't help but feel upset. Why did she even try to be friends with me in the first place if she was just gonna throw me under the bus! Its not like she had to befriend me we could've just done the assignment together and never speak to each other again why complicate things?

Suddenly I hear a sound come from Tony's side of the room.

"Tony?" I call

No answer

I sit up from my laying position starting to get worried now.

"I'm sorry" I hear a voice say, a voice that definitely doesn't belong to Tony. I rush out of bed and turn on the lights, to see Hailey standing over on Tony's side of the room.

"What the hell Hailey?" How the heck did she get in here.

"for today on the bus, I'm sorry" she apologized

"you knew what you were doing don't apologize now" I retort

She steps closer to me "alex I wasn't expecting my friends to be there it just slipped out god dammit!"

I scoff "so you're ashamed of me... what the hell do you think this is you can't just be friendly with me in private and then abandon me when your little pose shows up Hailey!" I shout at her.

She stays silent, not looking at me.

"you said what you wanted to, now can you leave? " I say gesturing to the door, turning away from her..... I just want to go to bed.

After a few moments I feel arms slowly wrap around my waist and a head rest on my back.


I hear her sigh deeply but I just stare ahead clenching and unclenching my fists angry because of what she did and said on the bus and nervous because frikin Hailey Lena was hugging me! However I held my composure not showing my nervousness.

"I don't know what's happening to me Alex. I get this urge to make everything right between us. For some odd reason I want us to be good friends" she let out a deep sigh.

"lets be good friends then" I breath out still not turning around.

"its not that simple Alex, your well...out of my social group and my reputation....."

wowww it's her stupid reputation that she cares about, I should've figured.

I tear her hands from around me and turn to face her. "just don't be friends with me then, simple" I shrug

"And for god's sake Tony get back in here!" I hollar and turn back to Hailey looking her straight in the eyes. "me and miss Lena are done here".

Tony scrambles back into the room while Hailey holds my gaze for a bit longer before she leaves the room. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and get back into bed.

If she's worried that being seen with me will ruin her precious reputation then she doesn't have to worry about that anymore.


Please comment guys. I love hearing ur guy's opinions.

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